Chapter 8 - The Suspect

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A/N: im going to put it out there real quick that the first time they attempted the mission it was only the OG 6 avengers that had attempted it and failed.

You woke up in a hospital bed, assuming you were back at your "temp" home. Slowly sitting up you felt your lungs being squeezed, gasping out you laid back down and felt movement from your right side, turning over you saw Wanda being asleep with her head on your bed. You went wide eyes a little as you would stare, How come she's by your side? Was she there the whole time? Felt a bit strange but shrugged it off as you closed your eyes, you can feel your lungs squeezing slightly from every breath you took. Im assuming she must've gotten my lung. You then looked back at Wanda, cant help but smiling now as you moved your hand to her head slowly, and gently running your fingers through her soft straight hair. It felt calming whenever she was around now you think about it. You never really pay much attention to those around you especially. You continued to stroke her hair before she is felt to shift.

"Wanda? You awake?" You said quietly and shortly since even speaking resulted in a slight squeeze from the healing lung. Your hand now resting on the back of her head.

She would lift her head, her eyes made contact with yours before she widens her eyes, most likely im surprise to see you awake. She straightened herself up quickly before colliding her hands against your face cheeks. Tilting your head up as she looked relieved.

"Oh my god Alice, You're awake! How do you feel are you in pain or anything? I will go get banner and tony-" she would be stumbling over your words as you blinked.

"W...wai- wait! How long was i out for?!" You replied grabbing at her wrist.

She moved her hands down sighing. "thankfully only a good few hours, you gave us a frieght. you were close to dying-"

Your eyes went wide "what the fu-"

Nat would come in, looking over as she looked surprised and relieved, rushing to your other side.

"Oh Alice! God i thought u were dead-"

"Ah come on a simple stab wound wouldn't ACTUALLY kill me-" you laughed.

"Alice- it pierced into your lung. If it hadn't been banner and tony quickly aiding you, you would've been dead because of the amount of blood going into your lungs already. You will feel a tight squeeze cause theres stitches so you will experience it for at least a couple weeks." Nat would go on. You sat there stunned. But also terrified for the fact you nearly ALREADY died.

"when can i be let out? this is well boring haha." You said, switching the topic.

"Well seeing how you seem fine i see why not after banner comes to check up on you." She would look up at the speaker. "Jarvis call dr banner and tony down please."

"Right away Miss Natasha." He is heard to say before going silent.

"thanks Nat and uh wheres Sara?" You questioned.

Wanda would clear her throat. "Shes locked up, they took extra precautions incase she attempts something but shes strapped up down below, dont worry she wont get to you. I will make sure of it." she said reassuringly, you smiled but felt a little flustered from her protectiveness. It probably is a natural thing for her to be like that with everyone in the team Alice dont get flustered now.


You sat in the lounge, Banner gave you to green card and Wanda helped you out and to where you are. She would be sitting by your side, she had her arm wrapped around your waist holding you close. You cant lie, it was making you feel all tingly on the inside with the hand movements and such, you just watched her as she would talk to the others. Cant help but admire her. You tried hard not too stare too much. But given the fact this blessing event is happening you cant help but wonder why shes being so close like this.

I Dont belong here (WandaxReader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя