Jensen nodded and smiled warmly, "Were you two best friends out there? What has you up here?"

"It was Alex's birthday this weekend. Her sister and I flew in to celebrate. Her dad and my mom actually used to be married."

Declan's eyebrow went up in curiosity. I had not mentioned that part at my party. 

I heard a honk behind us. I looked up to see that Elyse was back. I felt a text buzz in my pocket. She was obviously in a hurry. I smiled at Jensen and Declan, "I'll see you guys in Gym. That's my sister. I need to go say goodbye."

We turned and started heading to the lot. 

"She's cute." Patrick commented. 

"She has a great ass."

Patrick laughed, "Needs more boobs."

I rolled my eyes, "I like her boobs."

Patrick and I were always joking around like that. Well, Patrick was joking. He thought I was too. That's all that mattered. 

Patrick and I hugged it out and then Elyse and I did too. They headed out and I was left standing there alone.

I tried to hide the redness in my eyes from crying on the way back into school. A part of my heart seemed to go with them. I ignored the texts from Elle and Ari wondering where I was, and headed to first period alone. Miri and Danny let their curiosity remain silent and let me sulk in peace. I got up when the bell rang and started walking alone to class. I wanted to be alone in my head today and being on a campus full of teenagers made that difficult. Dylan snapped me out of thoughts by pulling me back as I was apparently walking past him. 

I hadn't even noticed he was there.

"What's wrong Lex?"

"Elyse and Patrick are headed home."

He understood and pulled me in for a bear hug. I felt oddly comforted by this. We were cousins yes, but it surprised me how much his hug felt like home. All that did was make me more confused. I had been doing so well at ignoring the homesickness I got when I thought of Dallas. Now that a piece of it had been here with me only to have to leave so quickly, I didn't know how to lock all of my feelings back up. 

I started to shake and then I started sobbing into Dylan's hug. He held on tighter until I could calm down. Dylan walked me the rest of the way to my class and Elle met us at the door. He filled her in and she replaced Dylan's arm around me as we took our seats. Elle and I had only been close for the last few months but she was trying to be family when my own couldn't be. I tried to relax and take solace in that. 

The bell rang after what felt like only a few minutes. I realized I hadn't taken a single note on the sheet the teacher had passed out. Elle saw my blank set and handed me her notes, "Fill them out during study hall."


"You okay?"

"Yeah, just in my head today."

"Ari is worried about you. I am too actually. You've been radio silent most of the weekend."

"Sorry. Patrick and Elyse being in town has had me distracted."

"Well, we're here for you."

I tried to give her a genuine smile, "Thanks."

We got to Gym and got changed. I peeled away from a confused looking Elle when I saw Declan and Jensen stretching in the middle of the gym. I had not worked out in front of people much here lately. I was still running in the evenings with Dylan or doing Yoga in my room over FaceTime with Jordan. It felt weird to do it in public though when I had grown used to sitting in my corner.

My Life In Pieces (Book #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang