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"Oh my" Rosè said and came rushingly towards Jennie and placed her hand on Jennie's forehead

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"Oh my" Rosè said and came rushingly towards Jennie and placed her hand on Jennie's forehead.

"Rosie may I ask, what are you doing ?" Jennie asked questioningly at Rosè's sudden action.

"On Sunday's you never wake-up before the afternoon and today you are up at nine, there must be something wrong.
Did someone possess you ?" Rosè said, Jennie thought Rosè is saying this sarcastically but from her expressions she looks completely serious and actually concerned for her best friend.

"Rosie I am completely fine.
I just didn't feel much sleepy today, that's it ." Jennie said as Rosè brought her hand down from Jennie's forehead and looked at her suspiciously.

"Where are you going ?" She asked examining Jennie's outfit.

Jennie is wearing a lavender colored tank top, which she has tied up to look like a crop top.
Over it she is wearing a black adidas jacket and matching black sweat pants.
She has put her hair in a loose braid, with several hair strands falling out.
She isn't wearing any makeup, just some lip gloss.

"I was just feeling like going out for a little jog.
Lately my body is feeling quite stiff, I think some movement would be helpful." She said hiding the real reason behind her going out.

"Why am I not being able to believe you ?" Rosè said suspiciously eyeing Jennie.

"Rosie how can you not believe me, why would I be lying to you ?, am I not your beside,  how can I ever do something like that." Jennie said dramatically, trying to sound as convincing as possible and it seems like it worked a little.

"Fine-Fine, you go and do your jogging.
I ain't doing anything on Sunday." Rosè said, taking a ice-cream tub out of their mini fridge and grabbing her laptop as all she is planning to do today is chill.

Jennie picks her phone up and puts it in her pocket and then after wearing her shoes she leaves her room, heading on to her destination.

Jennie knows that if Rosè finds out about her lying to Rosè, she is going to absolutely murder her mercilessly.

And after a quick walk she reached her destination, the indoor basketball court.

This place was initially built for the sports students in SNU but is rarely used by them as there is a different court near their building.
Due to this reason this court is used by all the other students who wish put their mind off studies and spend some time playing.

The students playing here are not practicing for any competition or taking part in any, but the seats are still packed.
The reason for having the audience seats full is not only because of how good they are at playing basketball but also because of the guys who are playing.

They have divided themselves up into two teams, the match going on seems too intense for just bring a fun game.
aybe the reason behind this intensity was the rivalry among a few students in different teams.

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