"Well -"

Marco started but was interrupted my his Mom. "No, I've already heard you tell it, Marco. I want to hear about it from Francesca. I find it's always best to hear stories from multiple perspectives."

I looked at Marco and he nodded. "I agree completely. You never know what someone might leave out. Well, it's a rather boring story, unfortunately. Marco's company is going to run an ad campaign for one of our new fashion lines. Marco was leading a meeting between our two companies that I was part of. I'm sure you know how charming your son is. Even in a meeting he's more interesting than most of the men I meet. He slipped me a business card with his personal name on it after the meeting." I explained.

"That easy, huh?" George asked, eyeing us suspiciously.

Marco sighted. "Father -"

"Did you bother to find out who she was before you gave her personal information?" Mrs. Travelli interrupted yet again.

This might be a bad habit of hers.

"Of course, Mother."

She smiled. "Good. You never know who might want to take advantage of you."

I frowned. "You can't live your life paranoid like that, though." I said.

"You wouldn't understand, dear."

"Why not?" I asked.

"You have nothing of much value to protect. Marco has wealth, his stellar reputation, and his family name to think of." She, may I say, rudely explained.

"... I see." I replied.

Okay Fran.

Breath in, then out.

Inhale, then exhale.

Hold it together girl.

"She's so delightfully naive, Marco. It's a breath of fresh air in this house."

"... Why don't we change the subject. How was your trip to Paris, Mother?" Marco said.

Are you serious?

That bat can go to France and I can't.


"Dull. Where do you prefer to vacation, Francesca?" She asked.

Well, at lest she called me by my name instead of 'her'.

"Oh, I hardly have time to vacation, with work and all..." I replied.

"And all what? Surely you get a couple weeks off, here and there."

I nodded. "I like to got to the mountains. Camping and fishing are my thing."

She frowned. "Were your parents hippies?"

"... No. Why?" I asked, completely confused.

"I find that girls with confused gender roles are usually the result of hippie parents." She, again, rudely replied.

"Mother, why do you have to ask those kinds of questions?" Marco asked, clearly annoyed.

"The real question, Marco is what you're still doing in this ridiculous position."

"What position?" He asked once again.

"Going to meetings with second rate fashion houses? You've had every advantage in life. There's no reason you shouldn't be CEO by now. Is that so much to ask for?" She replied.

30 Days To Find Love || Diecesca FanFictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz