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3rd person pov.....

Isha was walking with her friends towards the basketball court....as there will be a small friendly match for practice, the match is between Isha's and Jimin's team....

Jungkook is in Isha's team while Taehyung is in Jimin's team....
Isha came inside and saw mostly everyone was there in their match outfit, she put her bag on one of the chairs and sat on the other and tied her shoes lases.
Iu: so who do u think will win today?
Lisa: ofcourse our Isha.
Isha: don't you think you are underestimating jimin oppa's team.
Jennie: ofcourse not but still i think u will win.
Isha: oppa team is way more better then ours but still there is me and Jungkook in our team.
Rose: true.
Isha: mingyu you will take the lead then Jungkook okay.
Jungkook: hmm.

Isha and Jungkook was discussing the positions with her team members, after sometime Jimin, Taehyung and their other members came....

Coach: okay so let's start the match.
Everyone went to their position.... Jungkook was the team captain while Taehyung was the team captain of other team.....
The match started the basketball court was filled with howling, cheering and all.
Jungkook passed the ball to Isha, Isha was about to take it when Eunwoo came and took it.......(yeah he is also i Jimin's team) Isha ran after him and tried to take the ball, Eunwoo was now surrounded by Isha's team and he didn't even got any opening to give the ball to anyone other so he threw the ball thinking someone will catch it but it landed in wrong hands, Rose took the ball and then passed it to mingyu, he threw the ball in the basket and the goal was in Isha's team......

The match continued and later on.... Jimin's team won by 2 goals.

Isha sigh and sat on the seat....
Taehyung came towards her opening a water bottle.
He passed it to her and smiled, she smiled and drank the water....
Jungkook came and sat next to her.
Jungkook: ah the game was super tiring.
Isha: yeah just by 2 goals we lost.
Iu: it's okay it was just a friendly match, the main match between our and Jungkook's team is in 1 week there is still time.
Isha: yeah but still..
Rose: it's okay, ph and also what about your tennis practice?
Isha's eyes widened and she ran out of the court but again came inside and took her bag and again ran away.
Jungkook: she is going crazy day by day hyung.
Taehyung: really.

Time skip.........

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook was present outside the university.......
Jimin: where is she Jungkook?
Jungkook: i don't know i didn't saw her after the match....
He said eating his corn icecream.
Isha came running towards them without her bag causing her brothers to get curious.
Isha breathes heavily and said.
Isha: oppa you three can go i have to do some work in the school campus..
Jimin: are you alone?
Isha: no Iu and blackpink is with me and other kids too.
Taehyung: are you sure?
Isha: yeah Rose will drop me home.
Jimin: okay take care hmm and don't be late.
He said ruffling her hairs.
Isha smiled and was about to go but Jungkook said.
Jungkook: here!
He said throwing a lollipop towards her. She catch the lollipop and went inside the campus.....

She saw the car going away......she went inside the decoration room.....
Isha came inside only to get a smack on her back.
Isha: ow!
Jennie: u know na we have to complete it in 2 hours.
Isha: yeah sorry sorry.
Isha again sat on the table and started to discuss the project which was assigned to them for the decoration of the basketball court....

Time skip........5pm
Jin: where is Ishu?
He asked to the youngest.
Jungkook: isn't she home till now?
Hobi: what do you mean?
Jimin: she was in the university for some work in the campus....
Namjoon: it's late where is she?
Hobi: i am calling her.
He was about to call her but the door opened revealing a tired Isha.
Isha: ahh~
She said jumping on the couch.
Jin: where were you bub?
Isha: for decorating the basketball court me and others were assigned so i was there.....
Yoongi: go amget fresh up and then eat something hmm.
Isha: hmm.
She went towards her room and freshed up and weared this....

She came downstairs and went inside the kitchen and saw jin scrolling through his phone

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She came downstairs and went inside the kitchen and saw jin scrolling through his phone....
Isha: oppa hungry.
Jin: what do you want to eat?
Isha: anything please.
Jin: give me 20 minutes i will make you bimbimbap.
Isha: ok.
She put her head on the table and closed her eyes......
Jin: what happened baby?
Isha: my body is aching oppa.
Jin: what did you do today?
Isha: first basketball match then tennis practice then......umm running here to there for mrs.lee's work.
Jin: who is she?
Isha: a new teacher she always picks me, you know oppa she is really a sick teacher she hates me because i don't respect her daughter.
Jin: oh and why?
Isha: because she is a bit-
Hobi: (stern) baby no cursing.
He said coming inside the kitchen to grab a water bottle and then went out again.
Isha: sorry my bad. Her daughter is really a gold digger oppa she always is behind me for Taehyung oppa's number.
Jin: oh is that so.
Isha: hmm.
After sometime jin Cooked the food for her and Isha ate it.....

Isha came back to her room and layed down on the bed as she was super tired......she fall asleep in no time.....

Isha woke up when she felt a soft press on her legs, she opened her eyes and saw Hobi massaging her legs...
She sat straight but hobi held her shoulder and again made her lay down.
Hobi: sleep bub.
Isha: oppa it's fine it's not paining that much.
Hobi: i know it's nit paining that's why you tied this cloth on your leg right.
Isha sighed in defeat, her brothers know her well they know when her leg pain so badly she always tie a piece of cloth on her leg to reduce the pain.
Hobi: why didn't you told us that your leg is paining?
Isha: i don't want to burden you all.
Yoongi who just came inside glared at the young girl and put the bottle of oil on the table and sat on bed next to her.
Yoongi pulled her ear and said.
Yoongi: what did you said huh? you are burdening us?
Isha: ah ah a oppa leave it's paining.
Yoongi left her ear and rubbed it to reduce the pain....
Isha: you are bad.
Yoongi: yeah yeah now stop and lay down.
Isha sighed and layed on her stomach......
Hobi went inside the bathroom to change his clothes in comfortable ones.....
Yoongi came and sat next to her ........
Yoongi: why do you do so much work when you can't handle body pain....
Isha: what should i do when suddenly works come.
Yoongi shook his head and looked at hobi who came inside the room....
Yoongi put some oil on her leg and started to massage her.
Hobi: bub can i push the shirt up a little?
Isha: u can oppa.
Hobi started massaging her back and feeling her muscles relaxed she slept in no time.........


I know it's a small chapter sorry i have board exams coming so i think i won't be that active but will try to update soon.....

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