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3rd person pov.........

Jin was sleeping as it's 2:00 am but when he felt a warm body which wrap around his body he open his eyes and see Isha.
Jin: Ishu what happened.
Isha: oppa............. not feeling good...
She said like a whisper, he sat straight and touches her head.
Jin: Oh no.
He stands up and went to his closet and take a small towel and made it wet and then put that on isha's forehead, he then low the A.C and then went to his drawer to take some medicine.
Jin: Ishu here eat it.
Isha ate it and again layed down.
Jin was worried for her, she never gets too much sick but now she is getting sick from few days, she has a high fever and she didn't even ate her dinner.

Jin went to Suga's room.
Suga: Hyung What happened?
Jin: Isha's fever is not getting low i think we should take her to the hospital.
Suga: hmm okay i will get ready.
Namjoon: what happened Hyung?
Jin telled everything to hobi and Rm.
Hobi woke up Jimin and said.
Hobi: jimin we are going to the hospital take care of V and Jungkook.
Jimin: why hospital?
Hobi: Isha is not well.
Jimin: can i come please Hyung.

Hobi look at his brothers and they said okay.
Hobi: then i will stay home.

They all rushed towards the hospital with Isha in Jimin's hand.

The doctors take her to the patient vord and started checking her.

After sometime..

Doctors came outside and said.
Doctor: she has high fever we have given her some shots so she will be sleeping for now but when she wakes up tell me if her fever is not less then before.
Jin: hmm.
They all went inside to see her sleeping on the bed while her one hand was connected to a IV bottle.
Suga went towards her and caressed her hairs.
Namjoon: Hyung you go i will stay here.
Jin: no namjoon you are tired you should go.
Namjoon: hyung try to understand you should take care of you then only Isha will be fine.
Jin sigh and said.
Jin: okay but Suga you also stay here.
Suga: hmm okay.
Jin: i will come in the morning, let's go jimin.
Jimin went towards Isha and kissed her forehead.

Time skip morning........

Isha's fever is now less then before everyone is in relief that it's now getting low, Jin came in the morning with a homemade soup as he don't trust hospital foods.
He made Isha drink that soup and also the medicine, namjoon went home because he didn't slept last night to look at Isha, Suga was still staying as he don't want to leave her and as he is not going to work.
Jungkook and Taehyung came with a rush in the hospital as soon as they got to know about her.
Jungkook even cryed as he was soo worried when he got to know about Isha is in hospital.
Taehyung came with a lots of chocolate and foods for her but only to get scolded by Jimin for bringing these things when she is not fine.

Now Isha was sitting and watching TV as she can't use her phone because of the pain in her hand as from the last night her one hand was attached to a needle.
Suga was also watching TV while eating her chips which Taehyung brought and Taehyung was playing games with Jungkook, and Jimin well..............he was using his phone as he was bored.
Isha: oppa water.
She said with a husky voice.
Jimin handle her the water bottle and she drank it fully.
Isha: chim.
Jimin: hmm bubble?
Isha: i am hungry.
Jimin: what do you want to eat?
Isha: ramen.
Jimin: umm Suga Hyung can she have ramen.
Jimin asked and look at Suga, ishu also look at him.
Suga: yeah but less noodles and more soup.
Isha: i want to eat ramen please.
Jimin: i will bring it.

Jimin came with the ramen and gave that to Isha but as soon as she took the chop sticks her hand got a sting pain causing her to drop the chopsticks and that gained her brothers attention.
Suga: what happened bub?
Isha: my hand is paining oppa.
She said moving her hand but it was paining badly.
Jimin:.let me feed you.
And then he fed her, it has been evening and Jin came from a mission.

Jin asked the doctor if she can get discharged now or not, the doctor run some small tests and said she can take discharge now.

At home.........

Isha was sleeping as her medicine is strong, jin, Hobi was making dinner, Suga was sleeping as he didn't slept yesterday, VMinKook were playing games as they got some days off from school as Isha is not well.

Jungkook went to Isha's room to wake her up but when he went inside he saw she was crying he runned towards her and hugged her tightly and said.
Jungkook: shh what happened Ishu why are you crying did you saw a nightmare?
Isha: hmm. Kook i want to see grandma.
Jungkook: hmm i will call her but first stop crying bub.
He said wiping her tears and looked at her eyes they were red, her nose, cheeks and ear was also red he chuckled and put her some hairs behind her ear and again take her in a hug.
Jungkook: shh don't cry now it's okay nothing is happening to anyone.
He closed his eye feeling her tears and fear of losing her loved ones, he is her twin the share a special bond, she can feel how Jungkook's is feeling and he can feel her emotions too.
He again opened his eyes as he felt she stopped crying he look at her small pout and gave a peck.
Jungkook: want me to carry you to the dinner table?
She nodded and he picked her in a Koala hug and take her to the dinner table.

After eating and talking to her grandmother she went to her room but she wasn't able to sleep so she thought to go in one of her brother's room, she thought to go in Suga's but stopped when she remembered he didn't slept yesterday, her other brothers were on a mission so they were also tired she then went to Taehyung's room and saw him using his phone while laying down.
Taehyung: do you need something bubble?
Isha: (nodded, jumped on his bed) cuddles please oppa.
Taehyung put his phone aside and layed down properly and put blanket on her and then hug her tightly and then Planted a kiss on her forehead.
Taehyung: did you took your medicine?
Isha: hmm.
Taehyung: good night baby.
Isha: good night oppa.
He chuckled when she peck his lips.
They both slept hugging each other.

For next part 10 votes so if the target is not done the next chapter will not be posted and also 5 comments......
Tell me about your fav colour, which cartoon is your fav, what's your age?

Author note........

Don't imagine other things it's just a brother and sister love, the kiss and peck are not like that it's brothers love.
And it's and imaginative story it has nothing to do with any idol....

Mafia Siblings (BTSot7) | Little Late Update Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora