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Isha pov
I woke up and fresh up and wear chim's shirt which i have taken from him without him knowing.
This is what i am wearing.

This is what i am wearing

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Jin& Suga: good morning.
Isha: morning oppas(smile)
Jin:how are you feeling?
Isha:better than yesterday but not fully fine.
Suga: it's okay here eat it.
Isha:oppa~~ please not this.
Rm:what happened bub?
Isha:koya oppa see yoo oppa is feeding me this.(pointing at the vegetable soup)
Rm:but you should eat it.
Isha:no i will not.(run to hobi who was coming down)
Hobi:ayo good morning bub.
Isha: morning.
Hobi:what happened huh?
Isha:i Don't want to eat that soup.
Hobi:(sees his brothers pleading him to made her eat) ayo so my shine
don't want to eat that yucky soup.

Hobi:but you have to.
Isha: please no.
Hobi:see bubble as you know that the cramps you get are painful so you have to eat to reduce it.
Isha:but oppa it's not tasty.
Hobi:umm so let's make a deal.
Isha:what deal?
Hobi: if you eat this i will take you to the restaurant you are saying from last 3 days.
Hobi:hmm but eat it first.
Isha: only if koya oppa feed me.
Rm:come bub i will feed you.
Jin:her mood swings are just awful.
Suga:i know right she is very playful now but we don't know when she will become the monster.
Jin:hmm. But still she is cute.
Suga: obviously she is gone on me.(proud smile)
Jin:(seeing him weirdly)

After 2 hours...
Everyone was sitting in the living room doing their work.......
Jungkook, jimin were playing game. Suga,jin,Rm was doing some mafia stuff. Hobi was making some snacks. Taehyung was using his phone. Isha was drawing some thing on her I pad which suga gave her 1 month ago.
Jimin:yah!! You cheated.
Jungkook:no i don't. Your just making excuses because you lose.
Jimin: i know you cheated.
Jungkook:no you lier shorty.
Jimin:what did you said?
Jungkook: shorty.
And the next moment Jungkook was on the floor while jimin was sitting on him very comfortably.
Jungkook:yah leave me.
Jimin:this is what you get when you call me shorty.
Jin:jimin leave him he is still a kid he can't take your fight.
Suga:yeah he is still a kid or trainee he doesn't know those moves.
Jungkook:yah!! Say that later first get me out of here.(said while laying on the floor with done face)
Jimin: don't call me shorty.
Jungkook:hmm yah yah no shorty.

Suga: what are you doing bub?
Isha:huh? I was drawing.
Suga:can a see it?
Isha: yeah here.
Jin:what happened? (Take the drawing pad and saw what Isha draw)
Suga:did you draw this?
Isha:yeah is that not looking good?
Three:its awesome.
The painting..........

Isha: thankyou oppa

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Isha: thankyou oppa.
Hobi:guys here are the snacks.
We all turned to see our parents.......
Isha:mom, dad.
Dad:ishu.(spread his hands to hug her)
Isha:yay!! Dadu you came.
Dad:(smile) did my princess missed me?
Mom:no one missed me?
Isha:i missed you too mom.
Mom:come bub.
Isha:but where is my surprise.
Dad &mom:(sees each other) so here is you surprise.(they slide away and some from behind jumped)
Nara:ishu!!(hug her tightly)
Actually Nara is BTS and isha's cousin sister and she loves them so much. Nara knows that isha is a mafia but didn't tell to anyone. Isha and nara are like real siblings they love each other somuch.
Nara: surprise guys.
All:Nara noona.
Nana is older than jin so they call her noona.
After taking from 2 hours........
Isha pov.....
I was talking that's when someone messaged me.
??: Hey babygirl enjoying your life. So listen from today you will be enjoying the mafia world so protect you mom and dad.
Isha:Wongsoo what do you want i didn't do anything to your parents.
Wong: don't explain me dumb things i will take the revenge from you and that's it.
Isha:(sigh and but the phone away)

So let me tell you the whole story.....
Wongsoo is Isha's old friend, isha and wong was very good friends. Bts Don't know about wong as they were went to paris for the mission for 2 months and Wongsoo don't know isha has brothers. When isha and  wong was in school they were friends but some killed wong's parents and the one who killed his parents tell him that isha is the one who ordered them to kill his parents. He didn't believe at first but they telled him that Isha's parents are mafia and he knew that they were mafia and the one who killed his parents is isha after that day he started thinking that Isha killed his parents. After completing his school he went to America to become a mafia. From 5 standard isha and Wongsoo was friends but didn't tell to anyone. His uncle know that wong wants to kill someone who killed his parents but he didn't know that isha is the one who wong wants to kill.

Nara:what happened?
Isha:umm nothing.
Bts was talking to each other about some mafia stuff in the meeting room.
Mom and dad are making dinner.
Isha:unnie wong came to korea and saying he will take revenge but i didn't killed his parents.
Nara: Don't worry bub we will deal with him.
Isha:hmm i hope he don't hurt anyone else.
Nara: let's think about some plan.
Isha:i don't think we should make a plan.
Isha: he know me very well so he know what i will do next i will be going to kill him without anyone.
Nara:but it's risky isha.
Isha:i have to.
Nara:okay but call me when you want help.

After dinner we went to our own room and sleep.......


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