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^i'm on the back , I'm holdin tight~~


Taecyeon is on call walking towards the entrance of Min's mansion he was about to enter.

"Yes tell him to transport all the stocks I'll call you later when I get a free time I'm busy right-"

He was on a call with his assistant when his shoulder collide with someone in the entrance.

"Oh I'm sor-" Taecyeon stops his words when he saw the person whom he collided with.

"Are you bli-" Jungkook was about to rebuke on the person but his mouth gets tied before anything wrong can come out of his mouth.

"You- what are you doing here" Both says in the same time.

" I'm here for my cousin wedding what are you doing here" Says taecyeon.

"I'm here to attend my friends engagement" Says jungkook with his blank expression.

Both are friends since long time after completing graduation in Korea jungkook went America for his further study.

Both of them studied together in the same university in America and have been friends since then.

"Ok let's go inside together, ceremony is going to start" Says taecyeon and puts his hands on jungkook shoulder.

Both went inside..jungkook saw yoona who was going towards the backyard taking the engagement ring.

"Noona" Says jungkook she turns around and her face become dull seeing the guy next to jungkook.

Taecyeon didn't saw yoona and was just blubbering anything but he stops when he hears noona from jungkook mouth.

He looks up to the women whose eyes is fixed on him he turns around and was about to walks out from the house yoona scream "stop"

Yoona and taecyeon were in a relationship but due to some misunderstanding both broke up two years ago.

Jungkook looks at yoona with confused eyes.

"Indeed the world is small" Taecyeon mumble and turns around and smiles at yoona.

"Hey beautiful long time no see" Says taecyeon while waving his hands to yoona.

"What are you doing here" Sternly says yoona

"It's my cousins engagement of course i would be present in his special day" Taecyeon shrugs his shoulder.

"Let's go you both can bicker later" Says jungkook who's getting bored by their words.

"Yes-yes" Says taecyeon and again puts his arms on jungkook shoulder and walks towards the backyard.

Yoona takes a sigh and walk behind them..


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