Chapter Twenty-Nine: Bye Bye Weasels

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Ron looked to his sister. She looked bored, if not a bit upset. She had noticed that Harry had been pulling away from her. In fact, they both noticed this. He was hanging out with Hermione and Draco far more often than either of them liked.

"Hey guys!" Hermione bounced over to them, giving them a sweet smile.

Something in the back of Ron's mind told him to apologize, telling him that she knew. He brushed that thought aside. There was no way she knew. She may have been the smartest witch of their generation, but Dumbledore was the best Wizard in their entire lives! Besides, they weren't doing anything wrong!

"Hey, 'Mione."

"Where's Harry? I've been wanting to spend some time with him." Ginny kept her voice sweet, a look of sadness on it.

Hermione's smile grew at the edges, her eyes narrowing just a little bit. It made her look unstable, a sense of fear and dread crawling into Ron's stomach. Something just felt wrong about her.

Once again, he pushed it aside. This was Hermione, he was thinking about! She may throw punches at Draco, but he was her friend! She liked him far too much to just hurt him like that! He trusted that thought almost as much as he trusted Dumbledore.

"Oh, actually, he wanted me to get you both!" She giggled.

The sound was off. It was too relaxed, too high pitch... Too sweet and innocent. Her giggles never sounded like that, sound like she was enjoying a joke that no one else got. Her giggles were always lower and softer, tense if a giggle could be.

Still, the two stood up, willing to follow her.

"Oh! I can't show you. People might see it as weird. Just go to the room." She winked at Ron, a silent message being given to him.

The red head easily caught what she was saying as she walked away. He rolled his eyes, huffing a little. He sat back down, leaning into his chair. His little sister did the same, pouting more.

"Why couldn't we have followed her?" She grumbled, glaring at where the arrogant muggle-born had run off to.

"Because if too many people are going in the same direction and then disappear, then it'll look suspicious." He whispered to her. "Now, shut up and do something else. We at least have to wait a few minutes."

The other red-haired child scowled at her brother but did as he said. She had been putting off an essay in potions and it was due before the end of the week. She at least needed to make it seem like she had put some thought into what she was writing. Hopefully sometime soon, she'll be able to get that man fired, or if everything goes according to plan, he'd be dead!

A sinister grin formed on her face at the thought of the stupid professor being killed. He had survived the last war only on luck and the fact he was still useful, but now his usefulness was gone, and luck all dried out!

"Do you think we could get those Malfoys too?" She whispered.

Ron snickered, his own cruel smirk forming.

"They're marked, of course we could."

The thoughts of destroying and killing their annoyances filled their minds with glee, especially now that said annoyances were beginning to make a move on their cash cow! They would make sure that they regret it too if they ever get the chance!

In a half hour they soon were done with whatever homework they needed to do. Well, by done I mean they were mentally done with it, not physically. Not that it mattered in the end.

Hermione waited for them patiently, genuinely doing her homework as she waited. Everything was already set up and she had warned the others to not enter the Room for their own safety. Then the trap was set off, the two idiots mindlessly stepping into her runes, freezing them stiff.

Her lips spread into a twisted grin, her eyes never leaving her potions parchment. It was all about the side-effects of numerous potions, none of which were claimed as deadly. If taken alone and then quickly treated. She wasn't going to use those though! No, they were too new, too weak for what she wanted! She had been planning this for weeks, learning how to create the older potions and use of magic~

"You two have been so annoying. Tormenting me and Harry with love potion after love potion." She hummed, standing up to turn to them.

"Tormenting you!" The youngest Weasleys shouted, a look of enragement on their faces.

She grinned at them, a predatory grin. Her wand appeared in her hand, pointing at the pair of them. With a simple flick, they were suddenly weightless, floating through the air further into the room. With another flick, she dropped them into chairs that had magic ropes that bound them.

Her smile grew, laughing a little.

"I didn't think the charm would work!" She chirped.

The Weasleys flinched at her voice, fear and dread pooling in their guts.

"You-You can't do this! Fred and George-"

"Gave me permission~" The bushy-haired witch snickered, revealing the magically signed paper of the twins. "Seems they're done protecting you~ Even gave me some items they wanted you to test for them~ I'm equally curious on what spell I can use! I have so many new ones to try!" She laughed, eyes glowing with glee and deadly curiosity. The fear within them grew, consuming most rational thoughts. "Oh~ Don't worry~ I won't kill you~ That's not my job~" She snickered, raising her wand.

"J-Job? Who the hell do you-"

"Harry's no longer playing nice, neither are we." Her insane look vanished into one of cold anger. "You and Dumbledore have hurt him enough. I finally have the power to help him, so I'm going to use it."

With a grin, she muttered a spell, flicking her wand. That was when they began to scream, never forgetting that look of hatred and sadistic glee on her face.

Sorry if this is bad, didn't really know how to write this scene... Like I had an idea and then I forgot. I hope you enjoyed the chapter though!


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