Chapter Eleven: A Sister's Lie

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Hey, sorry that I haven't been publishing, I've just hit a wall of sorts. I'm not sure about the end of this chapter, so sorry if it feels rushed or out of place. I do hope that you enjoy the chapter though!


Snape was surprised the night before to have gotten a notification from Dumbledore. Apparently, he wanted to have an emergency meeting the next day. It was going to be a difficult task of keeping his shields up and stop himself from punching the greyed fool, but there wasn't much that he could do. He couldn't miss this meeting, he needed to know what the idiot knew. It was the only way to keep his mates safe.

That was why he was there, wearing his famous scowl as everyone in turn gave him a hard glare. Everyone but Granger. The way she kept glancing at him felt like she knew something. Her brown eyes shimmered almost in relief. It was a strange sight to see.

"What are we doing here?" Sirius hissed. "We should be trying to figure out how to defeat You-Know-Who!" He shouted.

"Why are the children even here? They're too young-" Molly tried, but she was quickly cut off by Fred and George's groans of disapproval.

"Mum! We're almost done with school!"

"And we want to help! Can't do that,"

"If we're never told what's going on." The boys finished off, both of them tilting their heads up with scowling pouts.

Molly quickly scolded her sons, gibbering about how they were far too young for the type of talks the Order has. Of course, more fighting began as everyone was trying to get their own say in why they were there or why they should be there.

Snape found the shouting and arguing to be useless and annoying. At least with the Dark Lord everyone was on the same page. There's order as well, everyone knowing where they stood. It was only becoming clearer to him that Dumbledore just wants chaos to distract everyone from him true objective.

"Everyone, everyone!" Dumbledore's voice called over their voices.

The room went silent, but the tension hadn't left. Everyone was eying everyone, as if someone just confessed to being a traitor.

"Professor, why're we having this meeting? Are we finally bringing Harry in?" Sirius leaned forward at the end, a sort of desperation in his eyes.

Snape wanted to tense but couldn't. IF they brought Harry in, that would mean he would fully be part of this war. He doubts he would be able to keep up his uncaring charade if that were to happen.

"No. But the meeting is about the young boy."

"About the Prince, what fun." Snape grumbled, getting sharp glares from Remus and Sirius.

"Severus, the boy is missing."

The room went quiet, tense. Then the dog-man jumped up, spitting as he shouted.

"Missing! He's missing! You said those damn blood wards would keep him safe! Safe! He's missing! Why are we even talking about it! We have to-"

"Sirius, my boy, I know this is a surprise. He must've-"

"He's safe." Hermione's voice was sharp and clip, her brown eyes narrowed on the greyed fool.

"You know-"

"He's safe. We talked about him coming over to my home after the Dursleys' work dinner."

Sirius and Remus relaxed; the escaped convict sunk back into his chair. They both looked relieved to hear that their Godson was safe, was with a friend.

Snape ever so carefully narrowed his eyes on her. Now, Harry was safe, but he certainly knew he wasn't with her. So, why was she lying? Harry hadn't had any outside contact, no owls and there's no phone within the Malfoy Cottage.

"He should be with the-"

"No! He's not safe there! He ran away once! Aren't you glad he at least had a destination in mind? A safe place to go? How long did you know he was 'missing'? How long!" She shouted, her eyes blazing with rage as she slammed her hands on the old table, pushing herself to stand up. "Tell us!"

Dumbledore straightened his back, his sparkling eyes flickering with pure rage. How dare she yell at him! How dare she question him! Even to hide the boy without asking him first? Without informing him?

"I was only informed last night-"

"He has been gone nearly a week! He's been safe for almost a week, and you just knew now!" She screeched. It was in that moment that she looked like a wild animal ready to kill, perhaps similar to a territorial lion if Snape had to choose.

The two dog-like men jumped up, the werewolf's eyes a solid gold. Rage was clear on their faces as questions roamed their eyes. Was this man that they trusted with their lives, not taking care of their baby? Was he not checking up on him regularly? Especially with how disgusting those Dursleys were?

After that outburst, the meeting was almost a blur for the Slytherin Head. He couldn't stop thinking about why Hermione lied, or even yelled at the Headmaster. She always respected rules and authority figures, to do what she did... It didn't seem like her. Yet, it at least saved him time from having to explain why he never said anything about the Deatheaters holding Harry Potter.

When he had gotten home, he knew he would have to talk with his mates about the meeting. Rubbing his face, he rid himself of his glamours. It felt more relaxing to not wear them so often, especially around a fool like Dumbledore.

"Severus, the Lord wants a meeting for this weekend." Lucius sounded exhausted as he walked next to the shorter Wizard.

The dark-haired man nodded, rolling his shoulders as the two of them quietly walked to the shared bedroom. They were sure Draco got back from his Mother's not too long ago, so he should have Harry with him. Draco had always took a nap after training with his Mother. They hoped that he brought their Heart to nap with him.

Opening the door to the room, they felt a smile form on their lips at the sight of their younger mates cuddling. With a flick of their wands, they changed their clothes into something more comfortable before sliding into bed to cuddle them.

Harry moved in sleep ever so slightly, making the two paused till he turned around and cuddled into the Dungeon Bat's chest. He smiled at that, leaning down and pressing a kiss on his forehead. The two adults relaxed. They weren't going to nap, they just wanted to make sure their mates were safe.

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