Chapter Seventeen: Red and Silver

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"Should we be calm about this?" Severus growled, clenching and unclenching his fists.

"We have to think rationally at the bare minimum. We need evidence that she holds it. That it's hers. After that, we'll let-"

"Fudge wouldn't care. We both know it. He's more in Dumbledore's pocket than anyone else!" The Potion's Master whispered.

The blond gave a muted nod. It was true. Umbridge using a blood quill on an underage wizard wasn't likely to make any papers either. Likely wouldn't even be looked into! Not without proper evidence anyway. Annoying enough.

"We still need to try." He muttered, taking a few deep breaths to keep himself calm.

Everything in the two of them was screaming that they needed to kill her. To make her feel their mate's pain, and they wanted to do it. It's mainly because of her they can't come out. Because of her and those that think like her. How many innocent people had to be hurt because of her? Because of her policies?

"Oh, hello Severus, Lucius." The pink toad gave them an overly sweet smile that just rubbed them in all the wrong ways.

"Umbridge." The two greeted sourly.

Her smile turned to confusion, her raising an ever-carefully groomed eyebrow. She softly set her pink dressed quill down, looking to them. It seemed she was grading paperwork. Paperwork that from the quick reading was about a first-year level.

"Grading first years?" Lucius offered, trying to be somewhat polite.

The toad gave a grating laugh, grinning almost viciously.

"Oh no, these are our fifth years. So many mistakes." She tutted. Without prompting, she picked up the papers she had already graded, and handed them off to him.

The blond wizard skimmed through the papers, a scowl slowly forming on his face as he read through their responses. For fifth years being given first year work, they had done extremely well, thinking very clearly and answering the questions in unique, but plausible ways. There was nothing wrong with them. Yet, they were being marked and discredited as the "right" answers were first year knowledge of magics!

"See? That half breed could barely teach them. They are very-"

"These are first year questions." Lucius interrupted, handing the papers back. "Even still, they answered the questions well. The spells they had selected would be more useful than the first-year spells."

Her smiling face fell, her noise wrinkling.

"That's not the point, Lucius." She chided, lifting her nose in the air.

"And that point is?" Snape butted in, stepping forward with his own crooked nose in the air.

She narrowed her beady eyes on him, huffing a little.

"They need to learn the basics. Half breeds like that wolf had barely taught those poor children anything."

The two were growing sicker with every word she was spewing. They kept their mouths shut, trying to keep themselves from just killing her. Yet, she took their silence as a continuation, to go on mocking the situation with creatures and insulting French and Japanese Purebloods that proudly showed off their Creature Status. Yet, what truly angered them, was what she said about their precious, defiant Heart.

"And that boy! Oh! He has been influenced far too much by those beasts!" She squealed, shaking her head. "Claiming that he's going to be attacked! Here of all places! The safest place to be!" She cried, huffing and groaning. "Telling all these lies! I made sure he would never forget that lies have consequences." She nodded in such a proud way that for a moment, their eyes flashed.

"What did you do to him?" Lucius was the only who could speak, Snape having to turn away just to not ripe her apart.

Whether she didn't notice how tense they were and how harsh Lucius's voice sounded, or she was far too arrogant and truly believed they would stay by her side; she told them. In detail. All of how she had made him use a blood quill and write those words 'I must not tell lies' over and over. She looked so proud of herself. Proud like one of her stupid plate cats eating a bird.

They lost control. She openly admitted to hurting their mate! To hurting and scarring an underage wizard with an outlawed quill! She was proud of it! She was a far worse than Dumbledore and the Dursleys at that very moment.

She screamed, they were sure of it, but they couldn't hear it over the sound of rushing blood in their ears. The pounding of their erratic heartbeats. Snape felt stinging hexes casted on him, but his rage pushed through the pain. Then there was the broken and shattered plates.

Red painted her pink and plush walls. Her body torn like a monster devoured her, yet she was still alive. Just barely. Her eyes shaking wildly while her arms and legs were broken, ripped into and then the words magically burned into her; 'I am a monster'.

"C-Creatures..." She shivered, flinching the best she could as she saw the silver-eyed demon kneel in front of her. Her blood caked his mouth, his sharp teeth glistening as he grinned so cruelly.

"Oh yes~ We are~ And yet, the only monster here is you." He sneered, his pupils shrinking.

"I-I'm not-"

Snape grabbed at her neck, baring his elongated teeth at her with a threatening hiss.

"Don't say that! You attacked our Heart!" His grip tightened, more of her blood flowing free.

"Severus." The blond warn softly. "You'll give her away so easily." He cooed.

The dark-haired wizard released her, going back to his standing position, his red eyes staring deeply at her, a disgusted look on his own face.

"Now, Dolores," Lucius was not gentle in redirecting her atteniton back to him, "you scared a child, and used a forbidden item." His smile was so cruel. "You tell that we are Creatures, we find every dirty secret and lie you have spread of yourself. How much would your word mean then?" He hummed.

He didn't give her a chance to speak. Instead, he grabbed his discarded wand and repaired the room. Severus huffed, picking up his own wand and cleaning the both of them of her blood. Their eyes were still those haunting colors that showed their undying rage and how they still were holding themselves back.

"I'll notify Poppy that you need her." The Pureblood cooed, a sadistic gleam in his eyes.

With those parting words, and a secret warning, they left. They had to make sure that Harry was doing well now. Take care of him and have Poppy give a proper look over his wound. After Umbridge sadly, can't having her dying just yet.

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