Chapter Twenty-Three: Magic Insanity

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The Dursleys had found Harry missing the next day. They hadn't cared about it; they didn't want him to stay. They had enough leftovers, and they were sure someone else among the family would help poor old Putina with cooking.

The Christmas holiday seemingly passed without a single thought of that reteched boy. Though they were sure they would give him hell when he came back, perhaps they should just kick him out entirely.

"He's ungrateful! Absolutely terrible!" The walrus of a man shouted.

The willow of a woman drummed her fingers on her chin, tilting her head as she thought. She knew kicking the boy out was basically a death sentence. However, having him in her home was putting her poor baby Dudley in harms way!

"Yes! He's gone! Gone!" She cried, waving her hands.

With a firm look, she stomped to his room with a trash bag in hand. She tore sheets off the bed, clothes out of dressers and off hangers, shoving it all into the bag. The few posters he hung were carelessly ripped and crumpled into the bag. Everything else could be repurposed or thrown away entirely.

Quickly, she tied the bag up and stomped down to the old cupboard, tossing it in.

"What are you doing?" Vernon hissed.

"One last nice thing to that brat." She growled, locking the door. "When he comes back, all he will have is that freakish stuff and whatever is in that bag." She nodded her oddly shaped head at that.

The working man had happily agreed with it, grinning ear to ear from it. They went on with their lives, the tiny room soon being cleaned of anything that said another child had lived there. It quickly was repurposed as Putina's little study, seeing as she didn't do much within the day other than read and clean and some minor needle work to show off to her friends.

However, problems soon arose. Freakish problems.

First was with the garden. One week it grew out of control despite the weather and Putina's careful tending. Another, it was nearly dead. Then, there was the problem of food going rotten far quicker or randomly exploding! The worse was with their clothes and hair!

Dudley had woken up one morning with hair that kept changing colors! They weren't even nice, subtle colors like brown, red, or even blond! No! They were sharp greens and silvers! At one point, Dudley's hair was striped!

Putina had to deal with having hideous purple blotches all over her green skin that just wouldn't stop itching! Her husband had it worse! On a day where he was to meet with a client, his skin turned a horrendous orange color with his hair becoming an off white!

Their clothes, another horrible thing, kept not fitting. Putina's dresses were either far too long even for her thin frame, or far too short! Or they were too tightly fitting for his flat body or much too large and hung all wrong that not even a belt could fix.

Dudley's shirts ripped and tore with too much ease, shrinking in the wash no matter how carefully any of them did their laundry. It didn't matter what they bought either!

Soon, food began to taste strange, no matter how or who prepared it! Once it made Dudley squeal like a pig and Vernon roar like lion! Putina even burped up lilac colored bubbles!

They were going crazy! Absolutely crazy! And they had to hide all this strangeness from the world! Of course, they blamed Harry Potter, every freakish thing happening to them had to be his fault. They would be sure to punish him whenever he comes crawling back to them. They would be sure of it! And demand from him to remove whatever curse he had laid upon them!

Of course, the wicked Dursleys weren't cursed by their nephew. They weren't really cursed at all. You see, the twins had decided on long range pranks that took specific things and time to cast. The pranks, only a step below being genuine curses, would fade away within time... Should the twins stop casting a number of them by second week's end.

If the Dursleys were only smart enough to look at the pattern, they would've seen it. Would've seen how they never had the same "curse" as nearly a month prior. No, they weren't smart enough nor clearsighted enough to notice any of that.

It'll stop soon enough, when the twins become bored or when Harry no longer has to live with them. Whichever happens first. That doesn't mean the wicked Dursleys are free from Harry's mates. Of course not, that would be far too light of a punishment for what those monsters had done to him.

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