He stopped in his apartment periodically to check on Jenna, but she was still asleep.

Daniel realized he felt better emotionally than he had in months. He was able to concentrate and finish tasks without getting distracted. He glanced around his office. He was thinking about adding a playpen, and maybe a desk for Jenna if she wanted.

A knock at his office door pulled Daniel out of his musings. "Come in," he called, knowing it was his Beta.

Ragnar entered the office. "Are you wearing a baby?"

"Hello to you too," Daniel laughed. "It's a thing. And I can get a lot done."

"Huh," Ragnar grunted. "Have you thought about the Crowning Ceremony?"

"I haven't got that far yet. Why?" Daniel asked.

"Well, I was thinking we could either Live Stream it, or we could do a Werewolf Summit," Ragnar suggested.

Daniel leaned back in his chair. "We haven't had a Summit in years "

"Since before the World Wars."

Regal Eclipse had hosted Werewolf Summits for centuries. It was a time for the werewolves to travel to Regal Eclipse to petition the King, discuss different issues, and possibly meet their mates. It had been hosted every five years at that time, since some packs had to travel for months to attend.

"If we do that, we'd need to do some building," Daniel said. At one point there had been housing for guests on pack lands, but it had been torn down.

"We can have some meetings and decide. Get Jenna's input too," Ragnar stood.

"How's things with Talia," Daniel asked, looking up at him.

Ragnar's eyes flashed. "Better since she let her wolf out. Thank you for including her."

Daniel nodded.

"She asked me to go to the funeral," Ragnar told him.

"For comfort."

"Yeah, but she feels guilty about it," Ragnar sighed.

"She told you that?" Daniel was surprised.

"No, I can just see it on her face. Every time she hugs me or seeks comfort." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm going to give her a bit of time, then invite her to join the pack. I want her to have a clear head," Daniel said. He knew he was putting Ragnar in limbo over his mate, but he didn't feel it could be helped.

Ragnar nodded. "It's fine. I want what's best for her, my own feelings aside. I'm going to go for a run."

Daniel nodded as he watched the old wolf leave. He sighed, rubbing his face. Noelle whimpered, and Daniel wrapped his arms around her and stood. "Yeah, I agree. Let's go check on your mother and get you something to eat."

He headed back upstairs to his apartment, breathing in Jenna's scent as he walked inside. Her scent had changed slightly, and now she smelled of werewolf and rogue. He had already informed the pack there would be an induction ceremony tomorrow night. The sooner Jenna was no longer a rogue and immortal, the safer she'd be. He also wanted to start teaching her self-defense.

Daniel got Noelle settled for the night and then headed into the bathroom to take a shower. He flipped the water on hot and sat down on the bench, letting it wash over him and soothe his muscles. He hadn't realized how tense he'd been all day.

'Been a long day. I miss Mate,' Rafe said.

'Me too. Ive gotten used to having her around,' Daniel agreed. He finally stood up and bathed himself. Ten minutes later, he was in bed, sound asleep.


Jenna opened her eyes to a dark room, but found she could still see quite well. Amber and sandalwood filled her nostrils and she breathed it in deeply.

She sat up and glanced over to see Daniel laying next to her. The covers were down around his waist and his bare abs were on display. She licked her lips.

A small whimper snapped her head in the other direction, and she climbed out of bed, hurrying quietly over to Noelle. "Hi baby," she said softly, pulling her out of the crib.

Jenna grabbed the diaper bag and left the room before Noelle could start crying. She glanced at the clock as she walked by, noticing that it was almost 5am.

'We slept a long time," She mused to Vanessa

'We needed to recover. Now we're not sore. Mate checked on us frequently.' Vanessa stretched.

'You didn't sleep?'

'I did, just not as deeply as you. I was aware of Mate coming and going,' Vanessa told her.

Once Noelle was taken care of, Jenna sat rocking her in the future nursery, as she looked around the room. "Soon, this will be your room, baby girl."

When Noelle had finally fallen asleep, Jenna took her back to her bedroom and laid her down. She turned to look at Daniel, who was still deep asleep. 'How long has he been asleep?'

'About eight hours now," Vanessa said.

Jenna slipped off her night shirt, and stood there completely naked, staring down at him. 'Its time we claimed our mate.'


Book 2 - The Alpha King's Slave is now available to read

Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now