Getting Settled In

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You like the house?" She asks, getting out of the car

"Like it, I love it," I tell her, getting out of the car.

"Wait till you see the inside." She says, walking towards the front door.


Flashback: August 28th, 2016, 9:05 P.M.


As I had expected, the inside was better. The first thing you notice when you walk in is the closet. Across from the closet is the shoe rack. If you keep walking forward and take a right, you'll find yourself in the kitchen. The kitchen had an oven, a microwave, cabinets, tables and chairs, the regular stuff.

"Hey, why do you have so many chairs?" Paxton asks.

"Sometimes Clint's family comes over and has dinner, but most of the time, I go over to the house," She tells him.

"Where do they live?" I ask.

"In Iowa. Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year's Eve. Is when I head over to their house." She says, moving on to the next room, the living room.

You take a right from the kitchen, then a left, and you are in the living room. There were two parts to the living room. There was a part with a TV and a Nintendo Switch, so I think it was the main living room. And then the 2nd part was like a library. There were eight bookshelves, two on each wall, three couches, and four bean bags. Along one of the walls was a big piece of construction paper.

"The rule sheet. These are the rules you must follow while living here." She informs us.


1. No staying up past 2 A.M.

2. Curfew is 11:00


4. Eat three meals a day, even if it's just fruit

5. No detentions or skipping classes

6. Don't go to my office when I'm in a meeting

7. Ask to hang out with your friends

8. No fighting in the house

9. No name calling


"That's all the rules?" I ask

"Yep, pretty much." She replies, heading downstairs into the basement.

"Now, down here in the basement, it's also a game room." She says, moving around the room and pointing at everything.

There were two couches, a TV in the front of the couches, and a Playstation with five controllers under the TV. We went back upstairs and up to the upstairs. The upstairs had four bedrooms.

The first bedroom on the left was labeled Guest Room Number 1, and then there was another door labeled Guest Room Number 2. Then, on the right side was another room labeled Natasha and another Room labeled Guest Room Number 3.

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