Chapter 2: Accepting the Truth

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The sun hung low over Hilltop Village, casting long shadows across the bustling bazaar. Vendors hawked their wares, an assortment of fruits, vegetables, garments, spices, and armor. Mirranda and Samson entered through the small wooden gate and weaved through a crowd of elvish maidens with purpose in their steps. Mirranda's heart raced; she could not shake the image of Rose from her mind, haunted by the knowledge that her sister was trapped within Valaria's grasp. She could deny it no longer and finally faced the truth about her sister. Mirranda could no longer deny the danger Rose was in, but accepting that reality threatened to shatter her fragile mind.

"Samson," Mirranda said. "I wasn't willing to accept the truth about Rose's situation. I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it."

"It's natural," Samson replied, his blue eyes filled with compassion, "You were in shock. It happens to most when faced with something so tragic. Can you now accept the truth?" Mirranda nodded, but her thoughts churned with doubt. She knew what had gone wrong, yet the weight of finally accepting it pressed on her like a boulder, threatening to crush her.

"Mirranda," Samson said, sensing her internal conflict, "we'll find a way. I'm still here." His strong arms found her waist, his eyes lingering lovingly on her as he squeezed reassuringly. "I'm not going anywhere."

Mirranda looked into his blue eyes, their depths filled with unwavering devotion. It was this simple gesture that spoke volumes for her, telling Mirranda that she wasn't alone. With a deep breath, she steadied herself, focusing on the task at hand. He let go and they continued. They were in Hilltop Village for a reason: to seek guidance from Eddipus, the wise sage who had once taken Mirranda under his wing. If anyone held the key to freeing Rose from Valaria's grip, it would be him.

"Thank you, Samson," she said.

As they approached the austere longhouse at the edge of the village, memories flooded Mirranda's thoughts. This was the place where she and Samson had spent part of their youth under Eddipus, Lisa, and Hilda's care. She remembered Lisa's Westerian husband, Tallik, and how kind everyone was. Mirranda couldn't help but smile, recalling their past adventure helping Val in the Hallow to save Raven. The memories brought a sense of strength and familiarity that grounded her midst the turmoil.

Tinges of nostalgia seeped in as they stood before the wooden door, the warm breeze rustling through their hair. Samson raised a hand to knock.

As they waited for someone to answer, Mirranda couldn't help but finally feel calm." Mirranda, Samson," A tall elve with long white hair and a cloth over her eye greeted them warmly as she opened the door, her one eye shining with kindness. "Welcome." She smiled. It was Hilda of the High Groves and wife to Eddipus.

"My sister is in danger," Mirranda blurted out, tension knotting her stomach. "Valaria has returned!"

"Valaria?" Hilda's expression darkened, slight anger etched on her face. "I feared the day I would have to hear that name again. Come inside, and let us talk."

As they stepped into the longhouse, Mirranda exchanged a resolute glance with Samson. They were one step closer to saving her sister...

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