Chapter 7: Resurrection

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The extravagant great hall stretched out. Its vast high ceiling was cloaked in darkness and its daunting high vaulted ceiling hid all trace of light. The flickering light from the sconces cast eerie shadows on the floor.

Rose sat on the throne, her short black hair lying beneath a crown. The purple gown she wore hugged her form, pooling around the pedestal like a puddle of liquid. Yes, this was Rose. Everyone in the room recognized her but the mysterious figure that stood by her side knew what lurked beneath. The mysterious figure swirled and shimmered in an eerie haze of darkness. Shadowman - the mystical creature, who was aware of the entity that lived within Rose's spirit.

"Your Majesty," Shadowman rasped in a voice like grinding stones, his form shifting and writhing.

"Let us not waste any more time," Valaria said, rising Rose from her throne. "Shadowman, you shall bring Abbadoth back to help me rule Fonde Ssique and beyond. Use the summoning."

"As you wish, mistress." Shadowman's voice hissed from within its smoky form. The shadow-fog like figure's tendrils shifted with something akin to satisfaction while a slithering hiss stirred from him. "I will perform this ritual for you," it said.

"And yet, do not forget our bargain, my queen. Nyxith didn't count. You must honor your word and offer me a soul to inhabit in exchange for my unwavering loyalty."

"Of course," Valaria replied, her voice silky. "You shall have what you desire."

He began to gather the necessary materials for the dark ritual, Tendrils churning, wreathing around him as his form pulsed. A sleek feline strode through the open oak doors, its golden eyes blazing.

The innocent creature found wandering the castle's dim corridors, was now the heart of a sinister ritual.

"Foni en mors," 'Voice of the dead' Shadowman chanted in ancient Cardamon, his formless presence swirling around the feline. "Neuma din Avvadoth" 'Breath from Abbadoth.'

Danice tightened the grip on his sword, feeling the weight of the atmosphere bearing down upon him.

"Aeterna neuma; invinge mors," 'Soul eternal; death overcome.' the formless being spoke, the cadence of his words reverberating through the hall like a sharp wind. He moved with purpose as he traced sigils upon a tablet's surface with smokey black ink, which flowed from an unseen source beneath his visage.

With his other hand, he scattered herbs around the cat, the sharp scent of sage grew more potent. Rose heard of Abbadoth as Valaria's mind filled with tales of the dreaded death lord, now chained, cursed forever more. He was trapped within his own domain. An old elvenkind named Master Dante had bound him to a dais, shrinking him down to the size of a fury feline. There he remained, forever more, unable to escape a kisa.

Candles were lit in the great hall, their ghostly flames outcast the wall sconces. More herbs were spread across the floor, filling the air with a pungent scent that made guardsmen's eyes water and their heads swim. They didn't know who or even why Shadowman was present, however to them Rose was their queen and they dared not question her. In their hypnotized state, they couldn't even care. Danice Malney narrowed his eyes. His resolve had strengthened and hardened. Danice wasn't in such a fog that he couldn't comprehend the danger.

'Is it too late?' He thought, his inner voice quivering. 'How could I stop this?'

"Guardsmen, assist!" Valaria commanded, her voice echoing throughout the hall.

The guardsmen, in reverence and mesmerizing obedience, heeded her order, not hesitant for even a moment. They scurried to help Shadowman, their expressions grim. Danice gasped, his heart thumping in his chest. What were his people doing? Calling forth Abbadoth, King of death itself? Danice's body trembled, and he backed away, slipping silently into the darkness. He would have no part of this madness.

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