Chapter 6: The Darkness of his soul

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It's mesmerizing... Like drifting in a dream.Like the sensation of boiling oil oozing over her body. It was overwhelming and relentless. Her angered screams filled the air, fueled by an intense feeling beyond rage. "I've been severed from his mind, Absinthian!"

The searing heat of the boiling yet soothing golden oil feeling faded away, and Valaria was back. Back in Rose's shell, and she opened her eyes to gaze upon the queen's grand hall. The ivory throne of velvet beneath her frame, feeling the boney hands of Absinthian Gall trembling at the back of her head.

Cardamon had always been home to the cloaked figure, Absinthian Gall. While he may have stood shorter than most, his presence was menacing as he slowly backed away from the throne.

"I am sorry, mistress. Shall we try again?"

"No Absinthian. They will come to me and when they do they will fall."

Rose, regally seated upon the throne, could not deny the might of Valaria that flowed through her veins. Her thoughts roiled within her as she fought the urge to scream out against the wretch.

The hot, nonexistent bubbling liquid feeling felt like it could have been molten oil, searing her skin with pain even as it soothed away any aches she had. It was a power that Absinthian had given Valaria through Rose. A strange combination of pleasure and pain and an incredible feeling of strength that made her feel like she had traveled to another place. Another time.

Like she could see the figure of that elven boy! SAMSON! It was all a fog before her. Then it was gone, leaving only a lingering dreamlike presence. She found herself enchanted as smooth, searing, boiling, golden slippery heat engulfed her in a bliss so smooth it felt like melted butter. Rose discovered a strange peacefulness within and found that she enjoyed it. Found herself succumbing to the temptation of that power. She savored it, relishing its sensation and finding it ever harder to break away from the more she bathed in it.

"LET US DO THAT AGAIN!"... and this time it wasn't Valaria...


Danice's grip tightened on the hilt of the knife, his knuckles turning white with tension. He stood in the shadows of the Queen's hall, watching as Rose departed from her attache Absinthian and conversed with the other guardsmen. Her back was turned to him, and no one seemed to suspect his intentions. Danice knew he had to act before this facade escalated into another nightmare like Queen Seseh.

"Your Majesty," said one of the guardsmen, bowing respectfully to Rose. She nodded absentmindedly, a wicked smile creeping across her face.

As Danice began to take a step forward, his attention was drawn to a nearby window, where he spotted an elven boy with a girl outside. The other looked familiar, with the same short black hair as Rose. They were making their way towards the castle. His mind raced. 'That must be Mirranda.' he thought. With every fiber of his being, Danice wanted to rush in and run Rose through, but he knew Mirranda would have the answers he sought, and he couldn't risk exposing himself. He sheathed the blade and stepped back.


The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the field of purple poppy flowers that stretched across the curving hillside. As they walked, Samson couldn't help but steal glances at Mirranda. Her glossy black hair framed her face, reminding him of that first day they met. He watched her body move with an elegance, even though life seemed to keep throwing her trials. She kept her head held high, her courage not wavering. She had become his beacon of hope in a tumultuous world.

"Mirranda," Samson murmured, reaching out to take her hand. "I just want you to know I'm still here."

Mirranda smiled warmly, squeezing his hand in return. His words hung in the air to her like honey sweet, tender and solidifying the bond between them. As they continued further out of the forest, Cardamon Castle loomed before them. The sight of poppies filled them with equal parts awe and trepidation. They paused at the edge of a glen, gathering their courage for the final leg up to Cardamon. Samson and Mirranda walked side by side, making their way towards the castle. The intoxicating scent of the flowers filled their lungs, but they couldn't afford to be distracted. They were on a quest to save Mirranda's sister, Rose, from the clutches of Valaria.

Samson's heart raced in his chest, his mind plagued with thoughts of failure. He couldn't shake the memory of faltering in his dream when faced with Valaria's seductive advances. The shame weighed heavily on him, making every step feel like a struggle.

"Samson," Mirranda said softly, her voice laced with concern. "What's wrong? You've been so quiet."

He looked at her, his blue eyes clouded with doubt and uncertainty. "I have failed you, Mirranda. Valaria came to me in a dream. She was there in the form of Rose. I didn't have the strength to resist. Eddipus would be disappointed, if he were alive Master Adohi would be disappointed, and I know you must be disappointed." Samson's words came in raspy, choked whispers, his fear and inner doubt brimming and overwhelming the elven boy.

Mirranda stopped walking and turned to face him, her dark eyes searching his. "Samson, we all have moments of weakness. It doesn't make you any less the boy I met in Hilltop. Not in my eyes. You're here now, ready to fight for my sister and for me. That's what matters."

"But what if I fail again?" he asked, his voice cracking with emotion. "What if I can't protect you?"

"Samson, listen to me," she said firmly, gripping his shoulders. "You are courageous, steadfast, and powerful. We all experience anxiety and uncertainty; don't forget what Eddipus said. It's how we confront our fears that ultimately determines our character. Fearing the worst won't get you anywhere, but taking control of your worries and learning from them can only make you stronger." 

She paused and came close, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I believe in you, Samson. Fearful or not, I've seen you in action. You'll get by this I know." She kissed him fervently as they separated.

Mirranda's words seeped into his heart, soothing the turmoil within. He looked into her deep, black eyes, saw the unwavering faith she had in him, and felt renewed. Her words were like a drug to his wounded spirit. He felt the weight of his guilt lift from his shoulders.

"Thank you, Mirranda," he smiled, his voice thick with emotion. "I've been so focused on my failures that I lost sight of what truly matters to me."

Mirranda turned to face him.

"You." He said.

As they stood for a moment, surrounded by the swaying purple poppies, a realization dawned on Samson. Valaria had played on his fears and planted the seed of doubt. He could not let her manipulations control him any longer.

As they continued their journey through the field, Castle Cardamon loomed ever closer on the horizon. With each step they took, Samson's resolve grew stronger, fueled by Mirranda's unwavering support and belief in him. Mirranda and Samson approached the crooked gates of Cardamon. The sheer immensity of the broken bars stood over them, twisted from battle, a stark reminder of Mirranda's mother.

The two lovers tentatively opened the creaking, weathered entrance, wary of the danger that awaited them. The courtyard yawned before them, cobblestones slick from the morning dew. They noticed the looming arching doors that promised an entrance into the castle's ominous depths. They were now in the heart of Cardamon- a place waiting to swallow them whole.

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