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It smells delicious. Once I throw the mushrooms into the pan with the cream, I have to make an effort so that it doesn't stick to the surface by looking for some tips on the internet. The fridge was practically empty, there was only cheap alcohol that I prefer to believe belonged to Juliet's friend and not Juliet herself.

Once the beef strips are done cooking, I remove them from the oven and serve them while the mushroom sauce cooks. I let the strips rest on a platter because they are so hot and then I check the mashed potatoes, season it and decide it's done. I stir the sauce and wait a few more seconds to make sure the mushrooms have cooked through, taste it and decide it's about time.

However, in the process, something interrupts me...

"Don't take him away!"

What the hell?

I hear a groan from Juliet, one of pain, as if she had suddenly hit herself. It worries me and I exalt immediately. I put out the kitchen fire and I run to the room while I perceive that her complaints increase. Did something happen to her while I was taking care of her?

"N-nooo! Nooooo!"

"Juls? Juliet? Are you okay?"

I turn on the light in the room and draw the curtains while I watch her in the middle of a nightmare that has her restless, tossing in bed and worried. The light isn't enough to wake her up so I sit up next to her on the bed, precisely where I slept last night and shake her awake.

"Juliet, for God's sake!" I insist, worried. "Wake up!"

She finally shakes in terror and opens her eyes to look in all directions as if she has to defend herself against something.

I put an arm around her neck and hold her close, trying to pull her out of this horrible nightmare that seems to have been holding her roughly.

"Calm down, you're fine," I assure her, while I try to see if she composes herself. Indeed, at first she seems to adjust to reality and then she accepts my hug and lets me cradle her against my chest.

I have to admit that at first it makes me feel a bit strange. What am I doing hugging another woman? What kind of illusions or ideas can this generate for both of us? I try to rule it out, but not before detaching myself from the option that involves what happened to myself earlier today...

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask her, in an effort to shake off the ideas that are beginning to appear in my head.


"I don't believe it. Tell me what happened."

"Just a nightmare, nothing more."

"Tell me, Juls," I insist, stroking her back and trying to make her feel warm and comfortable so she can tell me what it is that has kept her so terrified.

She turns her gaze to me and watches me, narrowing her eyes.


"So what?"


"When did I go from being Judith to Juls?"

"If you want, I'll call you Judith Mendes again."

"You did it on purpose."

"Of course. Now tell me."

She sighs and laughs. I like the sound of her laughter, it's reassuring.

"Well...it wasn't pretty."

"That's clear."

"Hey, whatever it is you're cooking smells delicious."

A Baby for the BillionaireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang