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"It's him... On the other side of the door. He has returned."

My mouth goes dry as I realize that the pounding on the door has stopped, but now they are trying to move the lock. From inside the bathroom, even if they manage to insert a key into it, it will have no effect since what I have crossed has been the latch and not just the handle.

I keep watching what he does, while Kerem speaks to me on the other end "Juliet, are you still there?"

"He wants to come in, he'll make the latch jump."

Something is shouted with Massera on the other end. I barely hear the old man tell him that it's the best he can do. He wants to rush whoever he sent.

"Find something you can defend yourself with."

I look in all directions, but can't find anything.

"There is nothing."

"For heaven's sake, Juliet, find something!"

"There's nothing...really! Do you want me to defend myself with a shampoo or a toothbrush? I could break the shower screen and use the glass."

"That would be impossible, because those glasses have the purpose of becoming sand at the slightest impact."

"I wasn't being serious. Oh no!"

"What's going on?!"

They whisper on the other side and now louder "That's it!"

"They've...they've managed to get some metal in there for leverage. They'll pop the pin sooner or later."

"Razor blade. See if they have a razor blade."

"I... I don't know... Let me see..."

I stand up and open the first aid kit.

"I found a pair of scissors."


"There are two that can help us." My hands shiver as I try to hold things. "One large and one that appears to be a straight razor."

"Does the razor have the blade in it?"

"Yes, it seems so."

"Hide it."


"In a pocket or in your pants, making sure it doesn't open. Doesn't it have a button?"

"No, it opens with pressure." I check it with some fear. "I don't want to take it out, I could hurt myself... AH!" look to my right and find an eye.

He is looking around the edge of the door where it has been left ajar in the middle of the prying attempts.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with that?!" Jordan asks me on the other side as the lever closes again.

I go back and keep it.

"What just happened, Juliet?" Kerem asks me.

"He saw me!"


"They're going to open the door!"

"Caramba! We are arriving at the helipad, it is important that you defend yourself, Juliet!"

"But he saw that I have the razor!"

"Use it and keep the scissors where only you know!"

"First I have to get my friend to safety."

"Forget about her, you have to defend yourself otherwise you won't be able to do it!"


I keep the mobile. He's still on the call, yelling a few times, but the last thing I need is for him to yell into my ear from the earpiece, too.

With the scissors on one side and the blade on the other, I observe resignedly that the lever is making the weigher give way, sooner or later they will get rid of it.

I cross both hands under Rhonda's armpits and drag her into the tub. I let her rest there and I close the shower curtain. The best thing would be that I don't see her or know that she's here, I remember that Jordan found me alone, but not her.

I step into the tub and hold the razor up. I keep the scissors behind the toilet and hope I don't have to use it, but at least I make sure he doesn't get hold of it. As soon as he opens the door, I see that he is not alone but with someone else. The pin jumps into the sink as Jordan and his friend stand in front of me.

His face seems totally changed to that of the friendly and different boy that I met as soon as we arrived at this place.

He seems manic, drugged, sick. All his attractiveness vanishes as soon as I see him looking like that.

"Look what you made me do, Rhonda's friend. I didn't know you intended to behave this way or do everything you did.

"I don't want to hurt you, please stay away," I ask with the knife raised. "G-go away... Now. Get going" I insist.

"Do you really think you can hurt me? I was in your house and I was a good guest. I never broke a door for you or locked myself in like you.

"I suppose I didn't show up at your house to attack you or drug you or force you to do something you didn't want."

"Drug you? Nobody has drugged you, woman, what are you talking about? Although I should have, you'd enjoy the party more that way."

I want to make a comment about him doing that to Rhonda, but it would be showing that she's here. Sooner or later it's obvious that they would find her, they know I came here with her.

"Stay away!" I insist.

He walks up to me.

"Put that down or things will get very ugly," his friend warns me.

"Let us go. We just want to leave."

"Of course you will leave, but not before doing what you came to do with your friend."

"Please...." Tears well up in my eyes, he knows he wouldn't be able to hurt her, but he's very determined to if he has to.

I lower the knife and insist "Let me go!"

"Not without you giving me what you must give me, precious!"

He advances even more and I close my eyes ready for the worst before they hurt my friend...

...however everything happens too fast.

There are screams outside, in the house.

I open my eyes to see two police officers restraining Jordan and his friend. Jordan tries to defend himself, which means getting punched in the face that draws blood on his lip until he goes to sleep.

"Juliet Mindy?" the police officer asks me.

"Holy heavens..."

"Officer Robinson. Please come with us."

I open the shower curtain and reveal my friend.

"I don't know what they did to her or what they gave her, but save her... Please, you have to save her!"

"Massera and Deniz are on their way. Your friend will be seen immediately, you have to come with us."

Massera and Deniz...



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