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I am very tense. The surrounding situation has me with immense discomfort since Neville, together with Kerem left at dawn for a meeting that resulted from a call that did not take long to reach the press.

There are two survivors of the flight, refugees and isolated in a town that keeps them incommunicado.

Why would they do that? What really happened and could that mean that Zara is alive? I don't think so, otherwise Kerem would have told me. I don't think they even told him himself and the press is alert to find out if they identified the passengers in question or not.

Yesterday we had to work together with Thammy, but I barely had a head for anything because the situation with Mr. Deniz made my mind only think about that.

It hurts me deeply to see him suffer like this, but I suppose that the truth is always preferable to anything else and in good time, that it had to come to light.

Alone with Ali today, barely managing to focus on my stuff. With my head on and my concern elsewhere, I may actually not even be doing my job properly.

The little one insists on playing, shaking and singing his favorite song, but I can't give him what he asks for, or at least it's just a gesture of condescension.

My heart leaps into my throat in an instant when I hear my cell phone vibrate. I go looking for it in a hurry and answer.

"Mr. Deniz," I say from my end, knowing the tension turns harsh and everlasting. "Or Neville. What happened, what is known?"

"Hmm, wow. I see that you are also waiting for news like all those who have been glued to their screens since dawn."

"Mr. Massera?"

"Bingo, Jules."

Why is it that I don't really like being called that way? I don't understand how he got my number, but the options are limited to the obvious.

"How are you...you," I say, trying to adjust to what can be considered morally proper.

"I'm glad to hear you and that you remember me. Although it doesn't seem fair to me that a problem with your current boss is a reason to worry yourself."

"It's something serious..."

"Always meeting survivors is good news. No?"

"And it generates hope."

"It's not Zara."

"How do you know?"

"I have contacts. The woman they found is not Kerem's wife."

"But there were two survivors."

"The other one is a man. She is out of danger, but with a blow to the head that keeps her dizzy and lost, while he remains unconscious."

"And how do you know that?"

"A man like me always has his contacts."

"Like mine."

"I've had yours since you showed up unexpectedly at our meeting with Kerem. By the way, I see that he has you in mind."

"But you already gave me the scoop."

"Do not worry, maybe when you return, you will have extra information."

"Anything I should know?"

"Nothing, actually. There's a lot to know, but nothing that concerns you or me in this situation. You know marital problems only include two people. I know first hand, it is not easy to get divorced after you already have children, much less grandchildren."

"Are you going to get divorced?"

"I did recently."

"Oh. I understand."

"And I'm looking for a young lady with whom I can share my days. I hope I still live a long time, I want it to be a good life. I want to live it well."

"There must be some grandmother who is interested in sharing something like that."

"No grannies. I want an intelligent, educated, daring, enterprising young woman and better if she is a polyglot so that we can travel to all the destinations she wants."

"MMM. Oh. Good luck with that, then."

I have to admit that this conversation is already starting to make me uncomfortable, and it's not like I exactly need something extra to worry about right now.

He is over seventy years old, what the hell is he talking about? I'm not the one to judge someone else's way of living, but there are things that leave me fully concerned in all of this.

"I was lucky, yes."

How "I had".

I make an effort to prevent a wave of chills from passing through me.

"You'll see, Juls." Ufff, another one, but it bothers me especially that he uses that tone and that way of calling me. "I have something else to talk to you about. Basically confirm if this is indeed your last week working for Deniz."

"I really don't know, sir. With everything that is happening..."

"You gave me your word. Next week you will be mine."

Okay, now the chills really hit me with all their strength and are accompanied by a slight urge to vomit.

"I'll work for you," I correct him.

"That's what we talked about. The CANDELA brand already wants to meet you, but remember that your work commitment is with me as the firm's largest investor."

"I truly believe that Mr. Deniz and his family..."

"I can't wait for you to visit the fashion capital of the world."

It's not that I'm exactly a fan of fashion, but I am interested in a job that fills me with opportunities to continue growing.

"Thank my Lord."

"I need your authorization for my flight."

"Do you need my passport?"

"I have it clear. But it's not necessary now, since the plane is mine. There are many books that you may like while traveling the world."


Okay, I hope what he's saying doesn't carry overtones of what my troubled head is thinking.

I quickly look for a way to escape.

"Sir, I have another incoming call."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

"It's...Mr. Deniz. So I have to hang up."

"Get away from that idiot already. He and his entire family have always been a fiasco, they are dangerous, they have enemies and they are not very sensible. Kerem is just as inept as his father once was."

"I'm sorry, but I have to..."

"I get it. But I give you some honest advice, stay away from Deniz as soon as possible because they are dangerous and I mean it. See you later, pretty. When you want to write to me, I await your message. A kiss."

And he hangs up.

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