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When I wake up, my heart goes to a thousand. I feel that I did something very serious, something bad, I know there is no going back.

Someone is pounding on the door.

I wake up looking in various directions, not understanding what is happening. I also don't know where I'm sleeping right now.

How did I get here? My head tries to think, drawing on the last memories of the night, but I also have to process what's around me. It is a very pretty room, although much simpler than the presidential room where I left Mr. Deniz resting last night just before muddying it at the moment I kissed him.

I have kissed him!

Or so I think?

Was it just a kiss?

I abused him because Mr. Deniz was drunk, it can't be! What kind of person have I become?

Boom boom boom!

They keep hitting.

It's the police. He has come for me, I must give myself up. I am an abusive woman who has been kissed by a beautiful man who was drunk and did not know what he was doing. I have agreed to get hooked on that kiss that still throbs on my lips.

"Wh-go!" I yell to whoever is on the other end.

I take off the blanket and look at myself.

Aaaaahhhh! It can't be! I'm in my underwear! How has this happened to me? The room is a triple, I suspect I'm still in the same hotel as yesterday. I don't think something pushed me in this direction until I became its prey. Have I been kidnapped? I don't think so, I doubt that they will come out there to bring me breakfast, rather they will have what it takes to take me away in handcuffs for what I did to Kerem. For what I did to little Ali and to the memory of his late mother for kissing the most heartbroken man in the history of men!

I find a bathrobe hanging in the closet, I don't know if it belongs to someone or if it belongs to the hotel. I put it on and go to the door.

I open it.

And I see who is on the other side.

"Juliet!" Thammy bellows.

Suddenly my heart returns to its place and the soul is located wherever it should go in the body of any mortal.

"Holy crap, it was you," I tell her, letting out a sigh. She carries Ali in her arms. The little boy looks wide-awake, with a smile from ear to ear showing his gums and the small whitish shadow of the little teeth that peek out and his little black hair is combed eloquently to the side. "And you, little sweetie!"

"Aaagggmaammmm!!!" he yells with joy when he sees me.

He stretches out his little arms and I find it impossible not to receive him.

I pick him up in my arms and fill him with kisses, threatening to devour this precious creature alive.

How beautiful he is! Of course, I couldn't expect less from a man like Kerem being his father and blood of his blood.

In addition, from the only photograph that I have ever seen of Zara, I was able to confirm that she is an extremely beautiful woman.

He has the genes and heredity to be the prettiest boy in the world.

I throw him on the bed and tickle him with a kiss. Thammy closes my bedroom door as he talks to me. "My God, I thought you had an alcoholic coma."

"Don't say that! I'm fine! I barely drank last night" I apologize.

"Sure, that's why you didn't even know when we brought you and Elijah to this hotel room."

I look at her, surprised.

"So it was you."


"Oh thanks! It causes me much more relief" I admit, calmly...it doesn't take long for it to turn into anguish when I realize a reality that makes me even more embarrassed.

I notice her gesture that looks at me between embarrassment and concern too.

"I brought Ali to you before Mr. Deniz wakes up. He has to know you're living up to your responsibilities or he'll go ballistic."

"My God, Thammy. Thanks. You are in everything, absolutely."

"Don't worry, thank Neville, it's all his plan. He got this triple room with a reservation that was not filled and we brought you here."

"You don't know how sorry I really am," I tell her, holding my head. Suddenly I feel that I could break at any moment, after all, I may have had a little too much to drink.

"Are you okay?" she asks me. "I can get you something from the pharmacy if you need it."

"No, no," I stop her. "You've already done too much for me. You have to rest and enjoy your hours of freedom from this little soap opera heartthrob" I turn to him and attack him again with kisses and laughter.

"It's not a bother, in fact, he behaves excellently and we've slept like two angels all night. Of course I set the alarm clock every forty minutes to make sure he's okay and he's a sweetheart. Sometimes he even laughs in his sleep, it's extremely cute."

"I know, he's an angel." I say the obvious and turn to her. "Thammy, I need you to tell me something truthful."


I search my head for the alternatives until I finally find what I think may be the correct words that provide the information directly:

"You guys took my clothes or..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Deniz didn't take them from you."


"And you hadn't taken it off either. You were both dressed...and asleep in his bed when we found you."

"Thank God..."

"Neville was concerned because he had gotten an extra suite for Mr. Deniz and hadn't taken it. So we went to the previous room, the presidential one, and we found you there. Neville will explain to his boss, we had to violate your privacy to find out if you were okay."

It was my fault, I had the card for that room and I took him there, but I don't comment on it.

"Oh yeah. Thanks." I sigh and think. "So billionaire people have no privacy and always walk around with eight eyes watching over them."

"And sometimes more."

"Yes... So, nothing happened with Kerem, right? I mean...with Mr. Deniz" it still feels strange to me to have to call him that.

"Not from what we saw. You guys were just fast asleep and holding each other. On the opposite side of the bed."

"Wait a minute, hugging you say?"

-"In a spoon."

"Oh dear, what a shame!"

"Don't worry, no one is going to tell him. Now I'll leave you with your favorite student and I'll get out before he catches us and knows that I was complicit in this plan so he doesn't discover you." She lets out a laugh.

"Thanks, Thammy, seriously."

She gives Ali a loud kiss and waves me off, leaving me with the cutest, cutest baby I've ever seen...

...while internally judging myself for being stupid enough to get drunk last night and now not being able to have that succulent memory of Kerem hugging me in a spoon from behind in that huge house.

What I can't get out of my mind and skin are his lips meeting mine. His taste of man still beats on my skin.

A Baby for the BillionaireWhere stories live. Discover now