32 | Mother Dearest

114 7 31

⚠️Mention of triggers. Rape, suicidal tendencies, ect. You were warned.⚠️

Unbreak- Camylio


Th enormous white building loomed over the roundabout driveway and blocked the descending sun. My lungs were tight within my chest as I eyed the window on the second floor far to the right. My once black curtains were exchanged for gold and lavander drapes. I shouldn't have been surprised she would change things once I was gone.

Blood means nothing.

I swallow back the nervous pump in my throat as I shut my car door. Maybe I should have taken Dr. Ackermans advice and had someone come with me. At the time, I had thought I'd be okay facing her.

A whole month of therapy and we breached my childhood. I'd skated around the topic for a bit, but eventually that too became something Dr. Ackermans pried out of me.

Things I'd forgotten. Things I thought were normal. Things I'd blamed myself over. All of it came rushing back. I've been having therapy twice a week. Maybe I thought it would help rush the process, but all it does is tear apart the walls I've built up.

My childhood wasn't a happy one.

I hadn't warned her I was coming. I didn't want her to prepare a lecture or immediately jump down my throat. Facing my mother was something Dr. Ackermans had recommended. Not because he thought I needed to make amends, but because he thinks it would help me if I stand up for myself.

My insides vibrated and my chest weighed down on me as I slowly walk towards the front door. I didn't hesitate when I rang the doorbell. If I did, I knew I would immediately turn away and head back home.


Was it my home?

I didn't have time to mull over the thought. Jefferson, my mothers butler, was pulling open the large heavy door with surprise written across his face. I've known Jefferson my whole life. He was once my fathers personal butler, but once my mother had me he was sent to take care of us.

His soft brown eyes took me in with pride as an easy smile spred across my lips. He wouldn't embrace me. He wouldn't overstep any rules set by my mother, but I could see in the small curve of his mouth that he was happy to see me as well. His hair was thinning until he had only a small white crown on his head. He was thinner, frailer than I remembered. He was about in his sixties now, but with how he glided back and beckoned me in with a bow, I wouldn't have guessed.

"Ms. Costa!" His soft eyes twinkled with delight. "I will tell the Misses that you're here."

I murmur a thank you and watch as he glides away with his chin held high. I didn't bother to follow him. I knew I wouldn't be staying long.

Within a matter of minutes I heard them coming. His precise and agile steps, then the quick scuffing and click of her heels. He was the first to enter the foyer and she followed soon after.

Her icy eyes soften as soon as they land on me. I couldn't move. She wasn't the mother I'd seen two months ago. Her once dyed blonde hair was overgrown and grey and white hairs peppered her roots. The tan she ever so loved getting weekly was nowhere in sight. She was pale, her skin chalky and flakey from being overly dry. She wasn't as thin. Her once papery skin was now filled out a bit more and she looked less like a walking skeleton.

She rushed to me. She embraced me.

I didn't hug her back.

She took a step back and held onto my shoulders as she gave me a once over. Her icy eyes were glistening with tears, but I couldn't bring myself to enjoy it.

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