"I don't know, really," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "I'm not a dad's birth daughter, so I don't see the point of going. But also, I'm excited about the legendary Moon Royal Palace..." I smiled.

A plate full of pancakes appeared before me. I looked up at Mother. "It does not matter if you're not our born daughter, you're ours, and you are coming. Like it or not." She scowled and turned back to the pancakes on the stove. "Also, you may never know if you will find your mate there," she looked over her shoulder and winked our way.

I nervously chuckled, "How would I know who's my mate when I haven't shifted yet?"

"Bull —"

"Watch your mouth, Mister!" Mother interrupted Pete before he could finish his word. I laughed at Mother as she glared at Pete as he lowered his gaze. "Now eat," she ordered.

"Yes, ma'am," Pete and I said in sync. Well, I shouted whilst Pete mumbled.

We ate breakfast in comfortable silence with a few chits chats here and there. Once done, we had to head out to meet Dad outside. He was filling the car with our baggage and waiting for us to hit the road.

"Alpha Jay and Luna Jane are already on the road," Father said, opening the front passenger door for Mother. "We need to get going, or else we'll be late." We all jumped into the car, and we were on the road.

Alpha Jay was the Alpha of the Grey Moon pack. He was the kindest and most wonderful Alpha of this pack. Jay treated me like his very own daughter. He was very protective over me, especially if anyone was to make fun of me. It was sad and unbelievable that his son, Daniel, future Alpha, was his son. Alpha Jay was friendly, whilst his son, Daniel, was mean and cruel. I cannot see Daniel as suitable for being Alpha. He's a total jerk.

I tilted my head to look at Pete, who was texting on his phone. "Pete?" He glanced my way, "Do you think you'll find your mate there?" I asked Pete.

"I don't know," he sighed. "But I hope you do," he smiled my way. "I pray to the moon goddess that your mate will love you at first sight and accept you for who you are... I have to admit, you are a total bore." He joked, and I faked a surprised gasp, and then we laughed.

Pete would tell me stories about mates and moon goddess whenever I was sad or wanted a bedtime story. He would tell me how every wolf has a paired mate, and the moon goddess would bless those who accept their fate of being together. That was my favourite fairytale story as a young child and also now.

I always wished for my mate and prayed for safety even though I had not seen or met him. I still dreamed the best for him. But sometimes, I would get a certain feeling that I would never find my mate or worse. Reject me because I had not yet shifted and my looks, my eyes are sea blue, and I have long greyish hair that reached my waist. Who would ever want me!?

From the corner of my eye, I noticed mother and father holding hands as father drives. Occasionally, they would glance over at each other with a warm smile. They looked happy and in love with one another. Seeing them like this made me happy for them, and I wished I would have that love and joy with my mate.

Along the way, we would exchange words and laughter. We stopped for gas and stretched our limbs, then had a bite to eat before heading back on the road. As I gazed out the window, I noticed other werewolves in unfamiliar cars passing by. As time went on, I became so bored that I fell asleep.


"Laura... Laura," a soft, familiar voice sang to me, gently shaking my shoulders. I groaned awake, rubbing the sleep off my eyes, seeing the mother before me.

"What time is it?" I yawned, glancing around to see Pete and Father had left.

"It's five, and you need to hurry to your room to get ready for the ball, which starts at half past six," she said, helping me out of the car.

My gaze just landed on this beautiful, enormous palace before me. It had that middle-aged time look and two trees on each side of the brick path leading up to stairs, then an oak wood double doors. A forest circularly surrounds the palace.

"Wow," I gaped.

Suddenly, a tall blonde pushed me, with a few girls following her. She looked over her shoulder, glaring up and down at me. "Nice hair!" She said, and friends laughed at her comment.

My hands flew up to my head grabbed my hair, pushing some of my hair over my shoulder. I lowered my gaze down. I heard their laughter echoing away.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up at Mother. "Don't listen to her. She's not worth your time and worry—" she growled, but I cleared my throat to cut her off. "Yeah, you know what I mean." I smiled, nodding my head.

Let's get this over with this. 

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