Arc Three: The Date Pt 2 (Isa)

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5:00 pm

Isa leaves work extremely giddy, she couldn't wait for it to be 7:00 pm.

Once arriving home she called out to her mom,

"Ama, no se te olvida que I have a date!"

Her mom called out from the kitchen,

"Oh, eso es hoy?"

Before entering her room, Isa responds,

"Si mama, he'll be here a las 7:00!"

Entering her room, she immediately starts getting ready.

Before hopping into the shower, Isa got everything ready.

She laid out her outfit, her jewelry, and accessories.


5:30 pm

After showering, Isa put on her robe to officially start getting ready.

Isa started by doing her hair.

She blow dried her hair, she then parted her hair in a slick back half-up-half-down ponytail. Her hair was being held by a golden butterfly hair clip. She straightened the tips of her hair to point up and out, giving her hair a beautiful layered look.

She then moved onto make up.

She kept her eye make-up simple, smokey brown. She lined her lips with a brown lip liner and put her perfect nude shade over it with lip gloss.

After she was done with that, she walked to her a short brown mini dress she had been working on.

The dress was a short sleeveless brown dress. Isa wore black see through tights with a fishnet print and she paired that with black boots.

Isa was ready for her date with Miguel.

She made sure to use the entire two hours before the date to get ready. She knew she always looked her best but she was to look better than best, it was a date with Miguel after all.


6:50 pm

knock knock.

There's a knock at Isa's door.

Isa can hear it from her room. It's not like he was banging her door, it was just a knock that had a lot of power behind it.

She turned to look at her clock.

Crap, it's not even 7pm yet.

Isa thought to herself.

She had a feeling this would happen. She quickly finished putting on her shoes. She wanted to answer the door before her mom could.

Just as she sped walked out of her room she could see her mom was almost at the door. She reached out her hand, hoping her mom would stop in her tracks.


"Yes, mija. Es tu date?"

They both stopped in their tracks.

"Yes, Ma. Please no hagas preguntas raras."

Isa put her hands together, begging her mom.

Isa's mom throws one arm in the air while the other one gripped her hip,

"Pues como lo voy a conocer?"

"Ma. Él se llama Miguel O'Hara. Now please promise me you won't ask any weird questions"

Isa's hands were still clasped together, begging.

"Okay, mija"

Isa sighed in relief.

"Thank you Mama."

Isa's mom waited for Isa to catch up with her, then walked to the door to open it for Miguel.

Upon opening up the door Isa sees the beautiful bouquet of flowers Miguel has for her. This makes her blush.

"Hey Miguel,"

Miguel takes a second to respond, he was still appreciating how she looked for their date.

After he snapped out of it,

"Hello Isa, you look so beautiful."

He was clearly flustered. Isa could tell.

They smile at each other.

As Isa is looking at Miguel appreciating how he looks, she sees the small band aid in Miguel's face but before she can say anything about it Miguel quickly turns to face Isa's mother,

"Hola Señora Ramírez, es un placer conocerte [it's a pleasure to meet you]. Soy Miguel O'Hara y voy a salir con su hija esta noche [I am going to be taking your daughter on a date]."

He extends his hand out to shake Isa's mom's hand.

Her mom turned her head to look at Isa, she was nodding her head with her eyes wide open and her lips pressed down. She met his hand and shook his hand.

Isa could see that her mother was pleasantly surprised, she let out another sigh of relief.

"Es un placer conocer al hombre del que mi hija no deja de hablar [it's so nice to meet the man my daughter doesn't stop talking about]."

Miguel's eyes widened, he was surprised to hear this, Isa has no idea how happy it makes him to hear that.

At the same time, Isa is embarrassed by this comment. Her mom wasn't lying but her mom didn't have to say it out loud the first time she met Miguel.

Isa makes a face, expressing how that comment annoyed her. She knew it was time to leave. Isa takes a step closer to Miguel, turning her body to now face her mother.

"Gracias Ma. Miguel and I are going to head out now, I'll be back before it's too late."

She was rushing to leave. Isa's mom and Miguel picked up on this.

Very quickly Miguel says,

"Fue un placer conocerla Sra. Ramírez, la traeré de regreso pronto. Isa estará a salvo conmigo. [So nice to meet you Ms Ramirez, I'll bring her back soon. She'll be safe with me.]"

Isa's mom thanks Miguel. She's already starting to like him.

Miguel hands her her flowers,

"Thank you for the flowers Miguel, they are gorgeous."

"I saw them, and I thought of you Isa"

Isa's mom offers to take the bouquet and put them in water, Isa agrees and hands the flowers to her mother

Her mom closes the door for them.

Isa was left blushing, she couldn't stop thinking about what Miguel just told her.

Miguel notices this and then extends his arm for her to wrap her around.

Without giving it a second thought, Isa immediately locks her arm around his.

They look at each other and smile.

Isa and Miguel begin to make their way to the Mexican restaurant.


A/N: OMG, I hope y'all enjoyed this part! I am so sorry for the month wait for this part! Midterm season is done so I should def be posting much more frequently, I PROMISE the next part will be MUCH JUICIER, hehe!

Thank y'all so much for over 3k reads! It means the world to me! Sending virtual hugs and kisses! 


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