Diary Entry: Isabella Ramirez

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A/N: The format is different, I had a lot of fun writing this. Enjoy! 


My name is Isabella Ramirez but my friends and family call me Isa, and I'm a 26 year old aspiring fashion designer but right now I work as a receptionist at Oscorp. It's not exactly where I want to be but it pays the bills.

I know my mom wishes I was a teacher or a lawyer or a doctor but I know none of that would make me happy. I am done doing things to make others happy. I did it with my relationship with Harry Osborn and I am never doing it again...

To keep my creative juices flowing I hold fashion designing workshops for the youth at the community center every other Friday night. My favorite part of the workshops are definitely the kids. I love seeing what they make and I love the way they incorporate their interests and culture in their fashion designs. The kids there are a blast, you wouldn't believe the amazing ideas they have.

I also love showing them what I'm working on. No one will give you better feedback than a room of 11-12 year olds. Recientemente, their newest obsession is Spider-Man. No dejan de hablar de él (They won't stop talking about him). He is ALL they talk about.

Since starting these workshops six months ago, I'm feeling more and more content with my life. However, I'm struggling to balance work, the workshops, home life, and trying to find love.

Yes, I still live at home, it's a cultural thing but I'm hoping to move out by next year! I was looking around to lease an apartment with my best friend Peter Parker but I was secretly in love with him so I never let us get too deep in the process. But I am over it. I am no longer in love with my best friend. I've known him since the 7th grade when he moved in with his aunt and uncle. He's actually the one who helped me get my job at Oscorp.

We used to hang out during lunch but recently he's changed. He's really beginning to worry me. I want to be there for him but it's like he won't let me. Almost like he doesn't want to let me.

Petey (as I call him) solo necesita espacio (just needs space) right now and that's what I am going to give him, until he needs me again...

He's obviously great and all but he's never really shown any interest in me and so it's time that I move on.

Petey is crazy smart, kinda like this guy I've kinda been talking to.

I'm not going to lie, I kinda met someone. His name is Miguel O'Hara and he's a great guy. He's smart, funny, and super tall! Miguel is probably like the tallest guy I've ever met, I think he said he was 6'9" (that makes him over one foot and 2 inches taller than me). Not that height is everything. He's also very physically attractive, he's definitely not a gym rat. He's very sweet.

I met Miguel a little over three weeks ago at the coffee shop I go to every morning. We bumped into each other twice and I noticed him always noticing me...

He was a little bit tense and intense at first but we immediately clicked.

He always orders a large black coffee. Every morning. I'm personally more of a Vietnamese iced coffee girl myself. It's just as strong but just mas rico (more delicious)!

Just to let you know, he's a bit older than me. He's 30 but that's not a problem for me. I'm over 25 so my brain is fully developed!

I really like him...

He's not from around here so he's new to Nueva Angeles. I'm trying to recommend a couple places around, maybe show him around and go on a couple more dates with him... who knows... but for right now I think it's going well. I have the feeling he likes me back.

Having early morning coffee with him, before work, is a great way to start the day!

He's a gentleman, he is always there for our early morning coffees and since becoming friends he has never kept me waiting.

I'm just waiting for him to ask me out on a date but hey it's the year 2026 so I think I am going to ask him on a date, like an official one, not just a coffee date. I was thinking we could go to dinner or see a movie or my favorite Mexican restaurant, their empanadas are to die for!

I feel like I just gotta take a shot before I ask him out, it's easy to talk to him but putting your heart out there is kinda a lot. I got hurt last time and I didn't even express my feelings...

It's been over a year since I've gone on an official date (my last one was with Harry Osborn, yuck) but here goes nothing!



A/N:   Thanks for reading, the next two parts are going to be in the diary/journal format for Miguel and Peter! I'm so excited for y'all to read it! Enjoy!


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