Arc Two: Getting Some Air

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12 AM.

Miguel had to leave.

Seeing all the shows he used to watch with his daughter was too much for him.

He had to distract himself. He had to get some air.

EARTH-222 was the perfect place.

Miguel didn't enter EARTH-222 as Miguel, he enters as Spider-Man.

Being in his own universe was too much. Being Miguel was even more.

Tonight, Miguel wasn't the only Spider-Man swinging around in Nueva Angeles.


To distract himself, Miguel thought of Isabella.

He wanted to do a proper night patrol, he needed to assure himself that Nueva Angeles was safe. 

For her sake...

He needed to see her tomorrow.

He knows how hard it can be to properly patrol when first becoming Spider-Man. Peter Parker's Spider-Man couldn't protect Nueva Angeles in a way that made Miguel feel Isabella was safe.

Miguel lurks in the shadows in the alleys, the rooftops, and swings discreetly.

The late night sky made it easy for Miguel to hide. No one in Nueva Angeles knew he was there.

Miguel does this all night long.


2 AM.

Isa gets up from bed, her thirst wakes her up.

She walks to her kitchen to get a glass of water. After, Isa brings the glass of water to her room. She drinks her water, looking outside her window. A huge neon sign flash the word,


After finishing her drink, Isa kept looking outside her window.

Something inside of her was telling her to keep looking outside.

From her window Isa sees a figure swinging through the night.

Was that Spider-Man?

She thought.

It was a Spider-Man but it definitely wasn't her Spider-Man.

She knew that Spider-Man had changed his suit recently but the Spider-Man she saw didn't look anything like the Spider-Man she knew of.

There couldn't be two Spider-Men, right?

It's definitely way late, if I am seeing two Spider-Men. I must soñando...

It was late, Isa thought she must have dreamt him.

So, she went back to bed.


A couple minutes later she was already asleep.

Spider-Man stopped by her window. Peter saw that she was already asleep. He sighed and left.

He was really hoping to catch her awake.

He had finally built up the courage to reveal his secret identity to Isa.

Peter took this as a sign that Spider-Man must remain his secret.

For now...

Peter leaves.



A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope y'all enjoyed this part, I had so much fun writing it! The next part is the part of Arc Two. I am so excited for y'all to read Arc Three!


In Another Universe (Miguel O'Hara)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя