Arc Two: Isabella Ramirez

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Isabella leaves the coffee shop after introducing herself to the guy she always saw.

He's kinda cute. Miguel...

But she didn't have enough time to think about that. She had to get to work.

Isabella works at Oscorp as a receptionist despite being overqualified. She has a bachelor's in chemistry.

She doesn't care that she's overqualified for her job, it pays the bills and gives her enough time to do whatever she wants. She still has enough time after work to design clothes and teach fashion workshops for the youth at the community center. She was content where she was at. But her dream was to become a fashion designer.

This was all possible thanks to her best friend, Peter Parker.

He recommended her for the job.

Apparently being a receptionist at one of the wealthiest companies in all of Nueva Angeles was a very sought out job.

She had talked about this opportunity with Peter but she didn't know if it was really a good idea. Peter waited for Isa - everyone close to her calls her Isa instead of Isabella - to "get back to him" for a week. After she avoided the topic anytime he brought it up, he decided just to put in the recommendation.

It's not like Isabella didn't want to work at the same place as her best friend. The problem was, she was catching feelings for Peter. Again.

She's known Peter since the 7th grade, when he moved into Isa's neighborhood. He went to live with his Aunt and Uncle, after his parents died. He was in all of Isa's classes.

Peter was a nerdy kid, but incredibly intelligent. When you got to know him, he was really funny too. 

Isa and him clicked immediately.

Soon after meeting, it was after school hang outs and dinner at Petey's. Isa liked to call him Petey. His aunt and uncle treated Isa as their own niece.


Isa texts Peter.

[Hey Petey, are we still on for lunch today?]

About a minute later Peter texts Isa back.

[Isa, I'm so sorry. I can't make it today.]

This is the fourth time he canceled on her.

Isabella hasn't been able to see Peter as often as she used to. Recently, Peter's uncle died.

Peter hasn't been the same. He stopped wearing his glasses and went from being scrawny to being fit. Isa understands why he wouldn't be the same but this has been a huge change in Peter.

She's missed his Uncle Ben too.


Since Peter has been canceling, Isa feels left in the dark about his life.

Isa arrives at work.

As Isa worked, which consisted of taking phone calls, making appointments, and handling clients, she thought about Peter.

She's really starting to worry about him. She wanted to be there for him but something always seemed to get in the way.

She wished things didn't.


During her lunch, Isa sat alone in the break room.

As she ate her lunch, she finally had time to think about Miguel.

She thought about the fact that she thought he was cute. He also seemed really nice.

Isa decided she was going to say hi to him again tomorrow. 


A/N: Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! I will be posting the next parts very very soon. Maybe tomorrow soon :) !

Wait... who's Isa's best friend?...


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