Arc Two: Kid Television Programing

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Later that day, Miguel is on his computer doing research on Earth-222.

Since learning her name Miguel resisted the urge to learn everything about her. He wanted to experience their interactions blind, organically.

But he had to know more about her universe.

His computer confirms the existence of a spider person on EARTH-222. EARTH-222's Spider person is Spider-Man, 26 year old Peter Parker and he's a newer Spider-Man.

Miguel has never come across a Peter-Parker-Spider-Man that didn't become Spider-Man at fifteen years old.


Miguel thought to himself, with his hand on his chin.

Lyla interrupts Miguel, causing him to turn off his screen. Abruptly ending his research on EARTH-222.

"Miguel, I have your night report"

Annoyed, Miguel responds,


"We currently have Peter B Parker leading a team on EARTH-32B, dealing with a Lizard from EARTH-934. This morning we sent a Mysterio from EARTH-625 back to their universe. No new anomaly detected this morning."

"Gracias Lyla, let me know when Peter B gets back. I want to debrief with him."

"Aye, aye, Captain!"

Lyla salutes him but she doesn't disappear.

Miguel noticed this. This annoyed him. He hates feeling watched.

"Is there anything else Lyla?"

"Yes actually... I was wondering if you wanted to watch Telenovelas together...?"

"I'm busy."

He barks.

"Doing what?"

"I don't have time for stuff like that."

"Come on Miguel, for old time sakes."

He begrudgingly gives in.

"Fine. One episode."

"Roger that!"

Lyla turned on the TV mode on their large monitor.

Once it turned on, the screen was filled with Miguel's daughter's favorite T.V shows. All the educational shows, animated shows, and the telenovelas they watched together.

It was painful for Miguel. This triggered him.

Lyla frantically tries to fix the screen. By the time she fixes the screen, Miguel is gone.

Lyla hears the door to his room slam. It is then followed by the sound of a portal opening.

She was alone.


A/N: Thanks for reading! Sorry for having this part be so short, its going to get juicy very very  soon! 

p.s. next parts coming asap!


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