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Alexia's POV

I can't believe it happened, my worse nightmare became a reality. I really didn't mean to cheat I'd never intentionally hurt Caleb like that, not after those 5 great years together.

I was just vulnerable and Luka just happened to there. He knew I felt that way he used my vulnerability to finally get what he wanted all along.

After that night I ghosted him, everyone for that matter the rest of the summer till
Caleb came back, I stayed home with Danny. But ever since the semester started he won't leave me alone unless I'm with Danny or Caleb so I'm always under them.

We do share a group of "Friends" but like I said I never leave either of their sides.

The day Simon died, he forced himself onto me when I was alone. After the post, I called and texted Caleb but  nothing.

I was walking around campus, searching for him when I accidentally bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going, would you?" I snapped, not realizing who it was.

"You bumped into me, the fuck?" Calypsis retorted.

"You!" I shouted. "You what?" she questioned, mugging me.

"You posted that tweet!" I replied.

"It's 9 am, no need for all that yelling. Pipe the fuck down," she added.

"Yesterday, you said you knew all of our secrets, then claimed you got logged off but someone posted my secret one hour later. You think I'm stupid?!" I questioned, stepping closer to her.

"Bitch, watch your tone with me," Calypsis warned. "I didn't do shit."

She really thinks I'm stupid, lying straight to my face.

"Fucking liar," I snapped.

"You swear I'm like y'all, I'm not fake nor two-faced. If I did post it, I'd own up to it and give out names. I'd make sure Caleb and Luka's names were on that post. I don't give a fuck and never will." she stated, shouting Caleb and Luka's names. She did that shit on purpose.

"You fucking bitch!" I was about to hit her when Danny stepped in between us.

"You cheated on me with Luka?" I heard Caleb's voice pierce through the air, making me swiftly turn around. My heart sank as I saw him standing there, looking defeated and exhausted, like he hadn't slept all night. I knew I had caused that pain.

"Baby, let me explain," I pleaded, but he scoffed in disbelief.

"So it's true?" he questioned softly. "With my best friend Alexia?"

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, Luka walked in and our eyes locked. Caleb turned to see him, his anger reaching its boiling point.

"Motherfucker," he seethed, tossing his bag aside and storming up to Luka.

The confusion on Luka's face quickly turned to shock as Caleb's fist connected with his jaw, causing him to stumble back. Caleb then pushed him against the lockers, his rage consuming him.

"Caleb, no, stop!" I yelled desperately, my voice filled with panic. But he seemed to be completely consumed by his anger, ignoring my pleas as he continued to rain down punches on Luka.

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