Chapter 59

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So I actually don't know where that door would lead me. I just thought it will salvage the cool factor I'm going for if I walk inside the mysterious door that suddenly appears in front of me.

There is a bit of nervousness in there that it will lead to instant death, but I think I'll still be satisfied even if that happens. I at least do what I always like to do.

That doesn't mean I want it to happen, so really I'm very glad it leads me to somewhere.

Now where is this...?

The room I found myself in seems to be some sort of dungeon. It is strangely lit up by the torches around here. Also, I can see Violet-san with her limbs bound on the large cross.

As expected, I really like this woman. I can easily understand what she is thinking about by just looking at her.

Well, as she is busy, I'll just go to that door besides her and find a way out of here....

"Won't you help a troubled damsel in front of you?"

.... Oh, I think I mistook what she is doing...

"Oh. I see. I thought you are training your body."

"What kind of training is being bound by magic suppressing cuffs on a cross a normal one?" She looks confused about my statement.

"It's nothing. Even I am doing that." I shrugged, before quickly freeing her by slicing her binds with my knife.

Why do I have a knife when I have a slime suit? It's for moments when I can't somehow use my magic!

Like right now!

I don't know why but this area heavily suppresses my magic. It suppresses it even more than wearing multiple magical suppressing accessories.

It's a lot more pronounced than this magic suppressing accessories. If the magic suppressing cuffs can prevent external magical particles to enter your body, then this place seems to absorb literally every magic I used, regardless of how much magic I have. It is even absorbing the internal magical power within my body.

Basically, this place is amazing. If I can stay here for some time, I think I can find out more about different ways of manipulating magic. More power is good after all!

Anyway, I can't form a slime blade right now. When I tried, It quickly turns into a puddle of black. I quickly absorbed it back to my body before Violet-san notices it.

The cuffs are useful, so I quickly put it in on my pocket before looking at Violet-san. She is gazing at me with that look of curiosity... no, maybe confusion?

"You look like your in pain? Are you sure you're alright?"

Why are you the one asking me that?

"I'm fine. There is no need to worry about it. Let's just find a way to get out of here...."

".... Okay..."

With that, I followed her as she takes the lead going to the door and entering it.
We found ourselves in a sunlit forest. I find myself wondering while I am following her.

"By the way, do you know where we are going?"

"I don't. I do know how to get free." She simply says.

"Ah.... tell me about it."

Violet-san chuckles. "Your so funny. I thought you would know, as you are me." She shrugs. "Well, it doesn't matter. As to where we are going, it's the core of this Sanctuary." She simply says.

Violet-san seems to mistook me for someone else, though it doesn't matter. I just hummed in response.

"What are we doing to the core?"

"Why.... destroying it, obviously. That will set me free..."

Destroying the core of this place?

"Will it destroy this whole place too?"

"Obviously." She said that with the casualness like she is talking about the weather.

"What about me?"

"Come on... you can simply survive something like that. You are me, after all." She says that, glancing at me with that narrowed amuse gaze.


Actually no, but whatever. I'll think about it when it comes to that.

After our conversation, we found ourselves in a clearing. I heard the sounds of crying and look on the middle to see a child in there curled up on herself.

"Look, a child is crying."

"So it seems."

I walked closer to her and looks at her.

"She looks like you."

"So are you."

Now what to do with this?

While thinking like that, Violet-san suddenly got closer to the child version of her and yanks her on her face.

"What are you doing?"

"Ending this memory." She said, before slapping the girl on her cheek. "Crying won't help you."

Wow. "That looks awful you know."

"She is me, so it's fine."

Whatever you say then.

After she does that, the whole scenery breaks like a fractured glass. The result is that we found ourselves in a world of abyss where only darkness can be seen.

The two of us walks on the direction where we can feel our magic being absorbed. While doing so, I become a bit curious once more.

"Hey, so this place is absorbing our magic. Can you even fight?" Violet-san looks like the type of person who fights in range combat. She didn't have any range weapons in her, so it's very possible that she mostly uses magic on her fights.

"What a jest. Of course I don't!" You sound extremely proud when you say that, Violet-san! "That's why, I am going to rely on you."

"You do know that I also use magic like you, right?"

She just gave me that mysterious smile.

Well, whatever. I still have something stored within this fake body. I can manage somehow.

After our talk, we found ourselves on another place. I can hear the sounds of crying on the distance once more. It's the same child, and there are a mountain of corpses around her. The place itself looks like a battlefield of some sorts.

We quietly walks to the source of the crying noises until we found the child curled up in the middle of these carnage. As expected, it's the child version of Violet-san.

"It's you."


"Now she is bloody."


Cool, I guess?

"Give me your knife."


I gave her my knife and watch her raise it. She is just going to stab the poor crying child when I noticed something.

"Whoops! That was close!"

I lunged and pushed her away. I felt a bit of my fake slime being sliced, so that was a bit unfortunate.

"Your hand..."

"Don't worry. It's nothing serious." I responded to her while looking at the corpses around who are now standing up with their weapons raised.

I can't reform the fake hand, so I will be fighting with only a single one. I can't afford to take off my fake body now while I'm still planning on countering this strong siphoning force.

"Bring it on!"

I have this inspiration of fighting in the middle of this big battlefield. The dawning sunlight is just an icing on the cake. It's basically a good setting for this.

I can't help but feel hype with this.

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