Randall spoke again. "I said shut up bitch! He will have more fun with my group than yours. Maybe after we take you, I'll let him have a night with you. It may be fun watching someone else make you screa-" Randall's sentence was cut off by Shane snapping his neck. Randall fell to the forest floor with a thud, falling in a pile of leaves.

My eyes widened as I fell to my knees. Randall was officially dead, he couldn't hurt me anymore. Tears started falling from my eyes. I had wanted this for so long, I wanted him to suffer, I wanted him dead, so why am I so upset now that he actually is?

I didn't even notice that Shane was now kneeling in front of me. "You alright?" I nodded. "I wasn't really going to leave with him, I just wanted to get him far enough away from camp to kill him. Clearly that plan didn't fully work because you showed up."

"I- I'm sorry. I was already out here...."

"Yeah, you're not going to say anything are you?" He asked.

"What do you mean? I wanted him dead too. So whatever bullshit story you come up with, I'll help you tell it." I said. I don't want to lie to my family, but I wanted Randall dead, now he is.

Shane looked at me for a second before responding. "Well see the problem here is, the story I was gonna tell kind of requires I'm alone when I get back to the farm."

"What do you mean? Can't we just say he got a hold of me and you killed him or something?" I questioned. We both stood up.

"I could, but that will hinder future plans."

"Future plans? Shane, what are you-" I was cut off by him grabbing me and pushing me up against a tree. He turned me around and grabbed my wrists so hard they are bound to bruise. I could feel him take my gun and knife, before he tied my wrists together tightly. "Shane please stop."

He pressed his body against mine as I tried to wiggle free. I felt his head next to mine, so I swung my head back and head butted him. He backed away for a second which was all I needed to run. My hands were still tied, and I didn't have any weapons but I needed to get away from him.

I tripped over a log and fell onto the ground. That was all it took for Shane to catch up to me. He was now on top of me. He whispered in my ear. "I wish we would've found you years ago. I would've had more fun with you than Lori. She never made me work this hard. It honestly turns me on." He kissed my neck.

I started to cry again. "No please.. Don't."

"Relax. Stop fighting this."

I tried wiggling away from him again, and it didn't work. So I did the only thing I could think of. "HELP! HELP! HEl-" He put his hand over my mouth. We are close enough to the farm that I hope someone heard me. He then lifted his hand that was covering my mouth, and lifted it high into the air.


"Shut up!" He said right after smacking me so hard my vision started to blur. "Get up." He grabbed me by my arm and led me to a tree close to where he killed Randall. He grabbed more rope and tied me to the tree. 

"How much fucking rope did you bring with? Damn I knew you were unstable!" I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes, and then pulled out some duct tape. "Fuck you were ready for a full kidnapping weren't you?" He ripped some duct tape off the roll. With one hand he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, with the other he placed the tape over my mouth. I let out a bunch of muffled curses.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't hear you." He laughed, his hand still in my hair. He pulled on my hair to move my head so he'd have better access to my neck. He kissed and sucked on it until it was obvious he left a hickey. Then his mouth traveled to my ear. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna kill you. I'll be back for you later." I let out more muffled cries as he pulled his face away from my ear. He was now looking into my eyes. He stood up, and walked away.

Fighting for our Future {TWD Daryl Dixon}Where stories live. Discover now