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The young girl with blue hair known as Hilda, was sleeping in great peace.

Since the previous day within the great forest and all of it's natural beauty.

The young adventurous girl had both wondered and even dreamed about the large werewolf creature.

Since the day it first saved the young girl with blue hair.

Hilda was both determined and greatly wished to see the large wolf beast once again.

As well spend time within the great forest, and see all that has to offer for a brave and adventurous heart that Hilda Possess when in her.

As the young girl with blue hair sleeps, the ray of light from the sun had touched Hilda's face and awaken her.

Hilda had opened her eyes and stood her back straight upward.

She was rubbing both of her eyes with her right arm and was yawning at the same time.

Hilda was looking everywhere her surroundings.

and immediately realized that she was inside of her bedroom.

Hilda had reflected on the events from the previous day before.

Such as searching the werewolf together with both of her friends and with the young Librarian
Witch woman.

Hilda was remembered everything that had happened in the previous day.

And immediately felt dread when she reflected on the river back stream, That nearly claimed her very life.

Hilda had remained silent for a short period of time.

Remembering well of the events from the day before.

What made Hilda both curious and grateful however.

Was the nomad from within the great forest, the very same man that saved Hilda from drowning in the very same river stream that she fell and was carried away from as well.

The man known as Hector cross, who lives among the world of nature.

As well helping to guide Hilda, alfur, kaisa in their return to the large wall city known as trollberg.

Hilda had wondered if the nomad was well and had returned to his home within the great forest.

The young girl with blue hair was somewhat lost in a ocean of deep thought.

As well reflecting on many events that had happened to her, since the large beast-bear had chased and nearly ended her very life.

As well being saved by the very same werewolf that Hilda wish to encounter again.

Just as Hilda was reflecting on more of the previous events from the previous two days before.

The door to her bedroom had opened and her mother had appeared in her line of sight.

Johanna had approached towards the thoughtful girl with blue hair and spoken with a caring, yet concerned tune in her voice.

Johanna: are you alright Hilda?

Hilda: i am mum, I just woke up now.

Johanna was not completely convinced of Hilda's words, nor believed she was completely well either.

The mother of the blue hair girl had token a sit in the edge of the bed.

And responded back to Hilda with a mother's caring and concern tune in her voice.

Johanna: Hilda, I know something is both bothering you, and i know you are not telling me the complete truth either.

Hilda: i am telling you the truth mum, I really am.

hilda and the last werewolf.  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ