chapter 7. Award goes to

Start from the beginning

John adjusted his sight and recognized her, his blood get boiled and his red face full of bruises became more red in rage as he saw her sitting in front of him and smirking at him.

"You bitch! How dare you to tie me like this, I would kill you" John almost yelled at her.

She laughed the way he was 'sailing under false colors'---- "Look, who's saying that he'll kill me when he himself and his 3 fucking minions got beaten up to the death by my men" her 4 bodyguards and Mr. Lee chuckled.

"You are an asshole and an asshole can't sit on the throne of mafia world. You don't deserve to be the mafia queen." John gritted his teeth in pure jealously.

She walked close to him bend her upper body at his level and says--- "oh darling I don't have much time to waste on you , so tell me your last wish . And Yes about the throne I know how keep things mine."

She stood up and command Steve to bring her sword.

"My son won't spare you by any chance"- John again yelled at her.

"Your son, who don't have any work rather than getting into the pants of every whore. Well i never doubted him because he's the son of a world class womanizer." She said with her evilness.

Till then Steve brought the sword. Her back was facing to John, she took out the sword from its cover and trailed down her fingers on the it.

"THE BEST MAFIA AWARD GOES TO---"Mr. Lee's words got cut off by john in between...

"You were the reason of your family's death and soon you'll be the reason of her dea"--- she fumed in rage by the words of John , without thinking once she turned around with speed of flash and decapitated his head.

Blood splashed on the ground with his lifeless body. John's men got terrified by the scene.

"You fucker thought that you could lay your fuckin' fingers on her. NO! No mf has that much dare. And if someone tries to , then for sure he/she would be punished like this fucker." She gritted her and then commanded Mr. Lee to kill those 3 minions.

"Steve, it's your responsibility to settle down their bodies. I don't want any blunder now." With this she left the warehouse and Mr. Lee shot those minions and Steve did his job. 


The venue was elegantly decorated by white flower, candles on the tables

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The venue was elegantly decorated by white flower, candles on the tables. The chandelier was the perfect choice to tempt every guests heart.

All the invited guest had arrived.

All the invited guest had arrived

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