Ash reaches the location of the base and when he can give them a compliment about hiding the base where no one will think about it. The Pokemon medicine plant where medicines for pokemons were made. Nobody will suspect them about what they do in shadows

Ash swiftly moved closer to the entrance of base and released his pokemons from which a Charizard, Espeon, Infernape, Talonflame, Goodra, Noverine, Hawlucha, Greninja and his newly captured Lucario and Gardevoir came out.

Alright guys, my signal starts to rain down your attacks on this organisation while I will start from upside. It doesn't matter if a human also came in front of you don't stop and also when you defeat a Pokemon, Gardevoir will make sure to teleport them out of here

Ash's Pokemon nodded his and took their positions, Ash unfolding his aura wings which were giving a calming aura to its surroundings.

Ash then flew upwards and get into the position and feels that everybody are already on the position

Ash then stretched his hands forward and shot a condensed aura sphere that did a considerable amount of damage to the organisation from outside but it also gives the signal to his pokemons to rain down the hell towards this evil organisation and give them a free ticket to hell

Once inside Ash was making his way towards the location where they had kept the person that Ash had come to save, he overhears snippets of conversation among the evil organisation members. They're planning something sinister, and this person may hold the key to their dark secrets.

Ash stealthily dispatches a guard who was in panic because of the sudden attack in the organisation and grabs his access card.
Ash then enters the cell and can see that this person is also kept in high security like they kept him in the first place.

After removing the last gate he entered the cell and was horrified to see a girl of his age completely malnourished and she also showed signs of physical abuse. Ash eyes glow for a second and was relieved that she is still pure and no sexual abuse was done to her.

Ash silently got closer to the girl who was shivering in fear which made Ash's heart drop since he had also gone through the same thing as her, until he was rescued by his older sister. Upon reaching near her he dropped down to one leg and his hand started to glow green which increases the shivering of the girl

"Don't worry I will just heal your wounds" he spoke softly to the girl trying to calm her down which did a little, then ash started to heal her injuries. After a few minutes he stopped doing it after seeing all the scars and bruises that the girl had is nowhere to be seen.

"We need to get out of here, but I must stop them first." he spoke to her in the same soft voice and then he carried the girl on his back after covering her from his cloak and could still feel her shiver.

Together, they make their way deeper into the heart of the evil organisation's lair, avoiding security cameras and disabling alarms. As they progress, Ash leaves a trail of dead guards behind.

Finally, they reach the control room where the organisation's sinister plans are being monitored. Ash quickly kills the guards and begins hacking into their system, gathering crucial information.

The girl, despite being scared, can't help but be curious about what this guy is doing? Why did he save her? Who is he? And many other questions were circling her mind right now.

Ash sensed the feeling of curiosity from her and answered her " I'm doing this so that I can expose their dark secrets to the world."

Ash discovers the organisation's hidden agenda and sends the incriminating data to the authorities, keeping the more important information to himself so that he can show it to his older siblings. Ash then felt that all of his pokemons were already outside of the destroyed organisation

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