chapter 9 - back on track HOLY SHIT IS THAT A GEOMETRY DASH REFERENCE?!?!??!??!

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It was around four on the morning when Caleb heard the rummaging noises outside. He woke kyper up, much to his dismay, and they looked out the window to see what it was.

"OH SHIT" Caleb yell-whispered. Someone had managed to find the body of the dead gaurd in the trashcan.

"I knew we should have hid it better!" Kyper whispered back. They'd have to deal with this guy somehow

The guy rummaging through their trash was wearing a uniform Caleb couldn't recognize. Thoughts about who this was raced through Caleb's head. Were they from some sort of scp thing or the government? Or were they just an average Joe trying to figure out what the gaurd even was?

Either way, this wasn't good. Caleb had just now noticed the van in front of the house. The van had c.d.c. written on the side. It had a different logo tha. The center for disease control Caleb knew about, so it must be a different c.d.c?

The mysterious man lifted the gaurd and put it in the back of the van before driving off.

"We have to follow that van!" Kyper exclaimed. Caleb and kyper left the house and took to the skies to follow the van, which they thankfully could keep pace with thanks to wind magic.

The van was going somewhere northeast into the countryside. Not being spotted there was very simple due to the orange hues of fall blending with their feathers. They seemed to be nearing a large black building in the middle of the woods, which looked very out of place.

The building had a sign on the front, which revealed what cdc stood for.

"Center for dimensional contact?" Caleb read. That was the WORST name for an organization he had ever heard.

They managed to find a hiding spot near the entrance to listen in on what the people who drove the van were saying. Caleb told kyper to open up a vent they could crawl through as he listened.

"I'm just saying, if this thing isn't just a weird flesh costume or hippie art project, we could finally get funding back for our division!" One of them stated, they sounded like a generic Italian mobster, what did Caleb expect honestly?

"Even if it was really a new species, who's to say it's from another dimension? It could totally just be a new species someone got from something, or even an alien! Aliens won't get us funded, that's for the c a f!" The  other stated.

"Ah those slags at the center for alien fucking... how come they get all the moolah for their 'space expeditions' and all we get is like $10000 a month to conduct alternate dimension research?" The first asked.

The other sighed before they went inside and out of earshot.

"I got an opening!" Kyper whispered. He had completely melted the grating off of the vent, which was thankfully big enough for them to crawl through.

Caleb turned back into a human and crawled inside first, followed by kyper. The air in it was very dusty, thankfully a little bit of wind magic could blow away all the dust without them choking on the air.

They eventually found themselves above a rook where the corpse of the gaurd was stored. A few scientists were doing an autopsy on it to figure it all out, as well as analyzing their metal armor. Kyper proposed the best course of action would be to create a sticky slime bomb then burn them all, but Caleb stated they should look for a less murdery option.

They decided to have Caleb pose as an intern and hope for the best. Luckily an intern that looked vaguely similar to Caleb was in the bathroom. Kyper used his slime bomb spell to tie them up to the toilet and caleb stole his lab coat and lanyard.

Caleb left the bathroom and entered the scientist's room, but someone recognized him as the person he was impersonating.

"Richard! You were supposed to be here 15 minutes ago!" One of the scientists said.

"Uh sorry, just had too much taco bell last night if you know what I mean" Caleb said, hoping that would work.

"Heh yeah I know the feeling. Also quite convenient you got here 15 seconds before lunch break, can you finish my stuff up before I get back?" The other guy asked, all going according to plan.

"Yeah sure! I'll start in a sec." Caleb responded.

All the scientists but him left, which was in his favor. Kyper used one of his new slime elemental attacks to grapple the gaurd up into the vents. They both pushed the gaurd all the way out and onto the floor. This time, they burned his body to ash and let it blow away, putting the angered soul to rest finally.

What wasn't put to rest was the scientists who unfortunately found out about their little heist. They were found outside quickly after, and the scientists were NOT happy to say the least.

Unbeknownst to Caleb and kyper, these scientists had full auto machine guns on their side. Caleb felt now would be a good time to test a new ability he thought might work.

Caleb started coughing and heaving intensly as water leaked out of his beak. This confused the scientists long enough for his new attack to fully charge, causing a massive pufferfish to be blasted out of his beak, knocking over all the scientists and giving them enough time to flee.

Caleb and kyper had made some enemies that day, and from now on they would have to be much more careful.

Caleb and kyper decided now would be a good time to head to the pheonix realm to hide out for a few days after that... incident. It would be a nice change of pace from the crazy last few days.

Caleb had another porpoise to go there as well. Caleb would enjoy to know how he actually gained the ability to turn into a pheonix sometime soon. He had no idea what caused this, but would hopefully be able to find out soon enough.

In the meantime, he would hopefully be staying at kyper's place until he had to return home. This week could only get better.

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