my boyfriend's wedding

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I laugh almost hysterically

" Sorry? are you fucking kidding me Jungkook? you know when you use the word sorry? you say sorry when you are late to a meeting, you say sorry when you bump to someone, you say sorry when you step on someone toes but you will not just say sorry after you left a person that you had been for 6 years and just disappear.  and you know what worst? coming back after two months to say that you are going to marry someone else? and a fucking sorry you say? 

I shouted at him. I want to slap him and punch him and just purely hurt him. I can feel my body shaking with anger

" I am so sorry Tae, i didn't know that it will turn out this way i feel really bad."

" oh, you feel really bad? should i feel remorse and tell you that it is okay? that is what you want to hear from me? Huh Jungkook?

" Tae, you don't understand this is messed up and i am so sorry."

why? if you are sorry then tell me Jungkook? why? after all, I need to know then i can move on with my life.

I look at him intensely almost pleading. I want to know and i want to hear from him. why does he hurt me so much? and why does he look hurt just now and i hate it, he doesnt deserve any remorse coming from me.

" I don't know. Baby, it is not my idea i swear to God."

I was flabbergasted with what he said

" what did you just call me? why the hell are you calling me baby? you lost all the right when you fucking leave me, you here me jungkook, you lost me!"

" I am so sorry baby, it is Lisa's idea i know it will be this bad but she said to do it to surprise you with a proposal and i am stupid enough to believe her"

I am now more confused with what Jungkook is saying, it just doesn't make sense

"what the hell are you talking about? Lisa?"

I said getting really annoyed. 

" okay but baby please don't say anything until i am done okay? then you can get mad at me after."

I just nod. him calling me baby repeatedly brings shiver in my body

" It was Lisa's idea, i was supposed to propose to you so i told Lisa to ask for her help but she suggested to make you jealous so it will be more romantic, she told me to pretend that i am loosing interest in you and told me to not contact you. she came up with the idea to pretend that i am getting married, Jenny is my friend Jackson's girlfriend. I really want to call you babe but Lisa said it will be all worth it, but seeing you right now this sad i can't take it anymore. I love you baby and i am so sorry,"

Jungkook explained and i can't believe myself, i froze. This is not all real? Jungkook still love me? it is all Lisa's idea? lisa is one of our friend, Jungkook met her in college and we instantly became friends after Jungkook introduced me to her, She work with Jungkook in the same company, i trusted her.

"what? a surprise? all the pain for this fucking surprise? do you even think what i will feel? do you know what i been through Jungkook? do you know that i almost go there if not just  for our friends stopping me? this is bullshit."

I said with rage. I feel angry and betrayed. Yes i am happy that jungkook is still mine but it is the worst surprise. Jungkook hugged me tightly and I pushed him hard, I looked at him straight in his eyes, I wanted him to see what I feel at the moment.

" I know baby, i am so sorry. please forgive me. I was so stupid, I didn't know that Lisa had an intention to separate us, I am thankful that one of our friend called me and told me lisa's plan, apparently lisa confided to him that she planned everything for you to leave me and i will turn into her.. i am really really sorry my baby."

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