Sugar baby (M)

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Taehyung's POV

I heard the bell and it means that the school is over. i am really contemplating on what i am going to do, I am scared to go home after how Jungkook reacted a while ago, i just want to apologize with my poor little ass in advance.

" C'mon Tae don't be over dramatic your boyfriend will not eat you. oops, oh my bad, he is definitely going to eat you whole."

I glare at Jimin, i am not liking his joke. i am really getting scared at the moment. I open my locker and put some books that i wont be needing

" sometimes I don't know if you are trying to help me or make it worst Chim."

" Tae, you know that i am your best friend and i will always be here to support you and pray for your poor little ass,"

Jimin sad laughing

"It's not funny i am not going home today Chim, i have decided i will just let the anger of Jungkook pass i don't think i can handle his possessiveness this time plus i can't miss school specially finals is coming."

" What the hell Tae? are you for real? i though you are just joking when you said that this morning. you are just making it worst."

"well, i am decided okay? i need to focus on the finals and Jungkook will be calm by tomorrow, and i am not going to your place Chim, i'll just get a hotel room for tonight."

after an hour of literally arguing with Jimin i left the school and went to the hotel not far from our place

" Welcome to Four Seasons hotel. room for how many days sir?"

" Just for the night."

the lady type something in her computer and after just few minutes of transactions she gave me the key card for my room

I entered the room, look around and remove my clothes to shower but before that I sent a message to Jungkook saying that i have to stay over with one of my classmates because we have to finish a report that we need for tomorrow. i just hope that Jungkook will buy it since he knows that I don't do last minute deadline as i am very efficient with the things that i do specially if school work related.

after a cold shower i wore the bathrobe that the hotel provided since i don't have any clothes with me. I check the time and it is now only 7pm and i am not hungry yet so i just decided to bring out my books and notes and start studying for our incoming exams. after 20mins of non stop reading i heard the doorbell and i wonder who might that be since i don't remembering ordering yet, i checked the peep hole but i can't see anyone standing there and i decided to just open it maybe someone from the hotel.

" Does your classmate happens to be living here baby?"

my eyes widen, Jungkook is leaning on the door smirking at me. In reflex i tried to close the door but Jungkook is faster he pushed the door open and let himself in and locked it behind him, i swallowed hard

" You didn't just close the door on me now baby,  you are making your punishment much worst with your actions baby."

"Daddy, i am so sorry but i can't do this right now i cant skip school, my exams are coming and i need to focus."

I said almost pleading, jungkook just stare at me smirking

" do exactly what baby? I am not doing anything to you.... yet! i just want to know why are you here baby?"

" how did you know i am here?"

I answered his question with another question. i am surprised at how he managed to find me and realize what Jimin said

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