my boyfriend's wedding

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I am standing in front of one of the most exclusive restaurant here in Seoul, It is owned by one of my friend Seokjin. I can't let my feet to move, my palm is sweating and throat is too dry all of a sudden. If not with the thought that everyone is waiting for me i will just stand here the whole night but at the same time i don't want to catch any attention if i arrive late.

I am here to attend the engagement dinner of my now ex boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. if it is for me i won't be even coming here but my best friend Jimin had to convince me after saying that the group will not be complete without me, and honestly i owe it to myself to talk to Jungkook for the last time. we are friends since we were in our diapers, all 7 of us are inseparable until college, because all of attended different schools. Jungkook and I had been in a relationship together since our second year in high school. it was Jungkook's dream to study abroad which i supported him, Jungkook got admitted in Yale and left after our high school graduation. 


" you take care of yourself there kook, don't get sick. i'm not there to take care of you."

" Yes Mrs. Jeon. i promise i will be healthy and safe, don't worry too much. Baby, come here."

Jungkook placed me in his lap, i hug him and cry in his chest. I was trying so hard to not to cry but now that jungkook is leaving tomorrow, my heart feels like something heavy is pressing on it.

" hush, Mrs. Jeon, stop crying now please, it will be just for 4 years then i will be back and we will get married right? i will also come back every vacation and every chance i get."

He held my chin gently and raised my hands so I was looking directly on his face.

" look at me baby, i promise that  i will be faithful to you and i will never even look at anybody else okay?"

" okay kook, i trust you and i'm sorry  if i am a crying mess, I know this means a lot to you and i will be supporting you all the way, i will just miss you so much."

I kissed him and i held the back of his neck to deepen the kiss, he immediately kissed me back, his tongue is playing with mine and i feel body heating up. i straddle into him i place two of my hands at the back of his head and play with his hair. our make up session turn into heated love making.

end of flashback

" you can do this Taehyung.. you need to know why and you need to see him."

I reminded myself while walking inside the restaurant. The server saw me and led me to the private room right away, they all know me here since i often spend time with Jin whenever i don't have work or i if am just  bored

I enter the room and i saw all  5 of my friends and they all smile hesitantly at me and greet me. Jungkook and his fiance is not around yet.

" you okay Tae bear? you think you can do this?"

Jin asked, i look at him and slowly to all of my friends

" do you want me to lie? because at this point i don't know if any of you are my friends for convincing me into this. Maybe, i should just go guys. I can't do this,"

" Tae,this will be good for you, you need this, you need your closure."

Namjoon said honestly and i realize that he is right. i need to do this for myself. i need to know. Jungkook and i had just separated for not even two months, actually no, he just left me hanging and i didn't hear anything from him at all, i did everything to talk to him but he completely avoided me and in just a blink of an eye my boyfriend was gone. after 2 months my friends told me that Jungkook is back and that he is getting married. How surreal is that right? that is the most heartbreaking news i have received in my whole life.

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