sugar baby (M)

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Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung, can you please be the one to tour our sponsor later after the program?"

I look  at Mrs. Choi, our school dean is looking at me hopefully, as a student  council president in the university i am mostly assign to do important task for the school

" of course  Mrs. Choi, i will be honored,"

I am a Senior in the university and running for Summa cum laude. I am really focus with studies and i am still working hard to get the title. two years ago when my Grandma died i thought i had to stop school and i was devastated but God has been in my side because i met my Daddy, Yes, i have a sugar daddy but he is not as old as typical sugar daddy, Jeon Jungkook is one of the richest and hottest bachelor in Korea. I am 18  and he is 25 when we started to be together. he came in the right time at the right moment and ever since my life has never been better


"Jimin, I don't know what to do  Granny didn't leave me anything as you know she is only working to sustain my studies and she was the only one i have and  now i have no one,"

I cried at Jimin, my best friend i can't believe i am now all alone in life. I don't know where to go, my Grandma and i are only staying in one of my Grandma's friends small apartment and now that my Grandma is gone, the friend is getting the apartment back.

"Tae, you can stay with us for now, you know my Yoongi won't mind right? in fact he will be happy that i have someone with me when he is not around."

" thank you Jimin, maybe i will just stop this year so i can work and save for my tuition next year."

"no Tae, Don't do that we are already in the half of the year, you will waste it. I can just lend you some money for your tuition fee "

I hate the feeling of being burden to anyone. I even work part time to help my Grandma with my tuition and other expenses that we need

"No Chim, you did so much for me already, i can't take any more help from you, i don't want to take advantage of you chimmy,"

" i dont mind Tae, you are my best friend. but if you don't want me to help you with money, maybe you consider what i offered you last time Tae, Yoongi's friend is a good man, he can take care of you, just give it a try, meet him even once."

Jimin is a sugar baby and he has been with Yoongi for a year now, i have met yoongi many times as they live together in Yoongi's penthouse. Jimin offered me to try and be a sugar baby too for a while now but i been declining it as i don't want the idea of relying to someone and the idea of someone giving me money in exchange of sex doesn't appeal to me at all, plus the fact the i am a virgin, but now after thinking about my situation i told Jimin that i am now willing to give it a try and past forward 2 years i been a sugar baby ever since.

end of flashback

I am seated in the second row in the auditorium, the program was about to start we are just waiting for the sponsor to arrive

" Are you going to give the sponsors the tour after Tae? should we cancel our plan later?"

" yes chim, i had too. Mrs. Choi asked me and i cant say no to her."

I am supposed to go shopping with Jimin today since he needs to buy a birthday gift for Yoongi. i felt an arm cross around my shoulder

" hi love, are you busy after this?"

" Jackson, can you stop calling me love? you are really annoying me."

I remove his hands from my shoulder and push it hard but before he can even say anything we heard the speaker

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