1} Locker Slammed

Start from the beginning

"you think just because you work so hard you're all that?" his voice suddenly became calm and I felt a murderous intent. he put his hands in his pockets. "you're just another untalented, hardworking and ambitious kid who won't be special and won't amount to anything. go fuck yourself."

Now he hit MY nerves. I felt a strong surge of anger take over me and I grabbed his collar, but I quickly force the anger to sink. I stared intensely into his eyes. "you should stop making it so obvious that you grew up without a father figure, everyone can already see that." he was in disbelief, "DON'T YOU SAY SHIT ABOUT MY FA-" I cut him off. "if you think you're so great, meet me on the rooftop after class and lets see if you can get even close to beating my ass." I aggressively let him go, throwing his collar down a little and walked away, fuming.

He is a slacker, it's the truth. He just sits there at his desk, fidgeting, with his headphones on, once the teacher asked him a question and caught him sleeping with his book on his face. His grades are maybe low and his full-on combat field tests are probably horrible. But, maybe not that horrible, he isn't untalented either I have to angrily admit. He got the better of me today with that throw, and his power...my body still aches a little. Who the hell is he to question my ambition and talent though?! He doesn't know me, he doesn't know what I'm capable of.

I walked back into class exhaling, trying to expel all the stress I feel in my muscles, and I sit down at my desk to study waiting for the recess to be over.

As if he can ever understand the sheer blood, sweat, and tears I put in to be this great. I am great, because that is what everyone expects of me. He seems so spoiled, he doesn't understand the pain I have to endure if I make a single mistake. coming home, not getting first place, not even being questioned why and getting called a waste of time and energy for being born into this world. I've let my family down so so many times, and he has the audacity to shove it in my face like it's his job.

[Zelos's pov]

What an annoying prick. just my luck, he just had to come up and talk to me. him. of all people. to ask me a fuckin dumb and obvious question. "hey you're the new spade right?" I hear the question repeat over and over in my head and thought of all the condescending things and rude comments he could've added to it, just to make fun of me and piss me off.

I've finally grasped the Spade rank I've desperately needed for years to gain some sort of leverage from Claudius so he'd think twice about if I'm a weakling or not, and now his brother's fuckin' pestering me. I just know they're in league with each other, they have the same damn smirk that gets me enraged every time I see it and they talk like there's a rod up their ass. Those crimson eyes. That tan skin. The first time I saw him in the Spades class, he looked less of a bully and better than Claudius honestly but how stupid can I be thinking I could go a semester without being in contact with a Hellona? as if I would trust any one of them.

After years of getting picked on by Claudius, beaten up just because I was in the same hallway as him, challenged to battles I couldn't win, the vehement feeling of boiling anger inside of me could not contain itself any longer. there's only so much unfairness a person can handle.

When I saw Siony's face looking at me, talking directly to me, I sort of freaked out. I'm lucky I could even look him in the eye! I saw his brother's face in his, but he was a more polite version of him that wouldn't full on crack my skull if I so much as bump into him so for a second I snapped and lost it.

After that violent encounter, I stormed off with smoke almost coming out my ears. I grinded my teeth angrily, pacing away fast. triggering past memories screamed and shrilled in my head, and I saw Claudius, again. his scarlet eyes. his teeth, rippling, forming a sinister smile. the boxcutter in his hand, on top of my scars. I found my own vision blurring, the floor fucking moving around, and I crashed backwards against a locker breathing in and out rapidly clawing my nails into my chest trying to make it all stop. fuck, fuck, I couldn't breathe, suddenly I was sweating so damn much my hood fell off, I banged my head against the metal locker and slowly slid down the locker sitting on the floor as the mental caterwauling stopped. My vision focused again and I was back to the present.

I sighed deeply as I closed my eyes, my breathing gradually slowing down. it's not real, it's not real. what happened is never gonna happen again, it never fucking happened again. it was a long long time ago.

The silence was damning until the bell rung so loudly into my ears it scared the shit outta me, "MOTHERFUCKER" I exclaimed. I put myself back together and picked myself up, walking back to class.

I wiped away the sweat on my forehead and entered the classroom with a few other students who were late, the teacher slapped their long ruler against the board to get everyone's attention. Students clustered at different desks stopped talking and got back to their seats.

I got to my seat as well and flopped onto the chair, sighing in annoyance and took off my hood remembering that it would be ten times more annoying if the teacher told me to take it off instead. I looked around the class, scanning the students, and there he was. Siony, he sits in the column to the left of me, 2 rows in front of me. He suddenly turned around unexpectedly making me flinch, and I looked away in a frown.

[Siony's pov]

The hell's wrong with him? he looks all messed up. I looked at him with a neutral unreadable face, he wouldn't be able to tell what I was thinking even if he did look back at me. My eyes scanned all over him for a brief second, seeing his disheveled clothes, and he seemed to be shaking a bit.

I stopped looking at him and turned back. Well, it's only halfway through the school day. I just need to wait till after today's classes, and the real fight begins.


You could hear it in the halls, everyone was whispering about the fight that was to begin the moment the bell rang on top of the rooftop. And it had the best opponents.

Siony Hellona, one of the strongest Spades in the entire Castle of Legendaries. The most intimidating guy in the senior class, yet so well known for his friendliness and energy that makes the whole room pay attention as he entered.

Then, we have Zeludosa Aphillion. A guy not many knew much about, someone who kept to himself often but demonstrated formidable power when going toe to toe with Siony. He didn't have many friends and his daggered eyes made anyone who looked his way avert their gaze.

A bunch of students gathered on top of the rooftop gossiping, excited for the shit about to go down. The rusty metal door that led an old unused stairway up to the roof opened and out came Zelos, some were surprised of the unusual entrance he chose. Others moved away from where he stood, a bit afraid. Not more than 5 minutes later, Siony showed up from the general staircase. People started cheering, eagerly feeding the tension in the atmosphere.

"you're late." Zelos snapped.
"and you're just so punctual." Siony responded.

Siony smirked and looked to the side, seeing his brother on the far end of the balcony, arms crossed, with a few other guys. His smile disappeared for a second, then an even bigger one made an appearance.

"Claudius!! you're here to watch my fight?" he called to him, as if giving off ironic courtesy. "well! let's see if it's really your fight." Claudius exclaimed. He gave Siony a devious, allegorical look. "it doesn't matter if you or that thing wins this," he pointed to Zelos. "either way I'll have the satisfaction of the last laugh."

Siony scoffed and rolled his eyes, ignoring him. He turned back to face Zelos, "you ready, tough guy?" Siony chuckled. "don't reply to me with some shit like I wAs bORn fOr tHiS."

Zelos walked up closer to face him. "okay," he said sarcastically, "I'm going to send you to hell early." he took off his dark blue hood and threw it to the ground behind him. He rolled up the sleeves on his black long sleeved shirt and revealed a bunch of white bandages all wrapped around his forearms, crunching both his hands into two fists.

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