6. Falling Apart

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Very long chapter


×1 year later×

Everything seems to be clasping. Mother is still in the hospital. So me a 15 year old child  is left to protect the rest of my family, with no help.

I've been trying hard not to give up, but some days, I just want to lock myself into my room and cry. But I can't do that. If I were to lock myself away for even just a second, I'd feel like I'm not protecting the only blood related family I have.

And because of this reason my physical and mental health has gone for the worst....

I've become really depressed and don't sleep at all because of my part-time jobs. And on top of jobs, I'm still trying to keep up with my education.

It can be difficult at times, but I somehow manage. The only real problem I've been having is keeping up with moms hospital bill.

The doctor says that she may have a chance of making it, but that's only a 5% chance. I hope that she will make it, but deep down, I have a feeling that she won't.

But other than my moms condition, my brother is doing fine, but I'm  starting to get worried for my sister, Maddie. I've noticed that she would have her really high fevers at times and would seem so weak.

I'm worried that she may be sick just like ...Mother So, I somehow conjured enough money to take her to the hospital.

×Present time at the hospital×

Right now, I'm sitting in the waiting room at the hospital with Maddie. Currently, she has a high fever and seems to be panting and coughing a lot more than she was when we first got here.

This worried me greatly, so I went to the front desk .

"Um.. excuse me ma'am but I was wondering if I could please have a doctor's check-up on my sister right now. Her fever has become much higher than before, and I'm starting to get really worried, " I stated with a very shaky voice.

"Sorry miss, but we don't have any available doctors tight now we are very busy.  You're going to have to wait till you're called and tell the doctor the problem, " the nurse said rudely.

I was about to say I understood till I saw my sister cilapsed to the floor. Gasping loudly, I bent down and saw that my sister was panting very harshly. In a state of panic, I demanded that the nurse call a doctor for Maddie.

The nurse did what I said in a hurried manner, and the next thing I knew was that I'm sitting outside the emergency room waiting for news about my sister.

I was what seemed a state of shock as the only thing I could think about was that my sister might just die. Shaking my head I rid of the negative thoughts that plagued me. Finally realizing that I was crying

Viciously scrubing my tears away, I took my phone at and saw that time. I've been sitting here for 2 hours. At the moment, I was kind of relieved that my brother was spending the night at his friend's house. I didn't have to worry about leaving the hospital and picking him up from school.


I looked up from my seat and quickly stood as I saw the doctor exit the emergency room. I rushed over to the doctor and bunbarded him with many questions about my sister.

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