3. Unwanted distance

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When I awoke, it was quiet. To quiet for my liking, looking up, I was slightly frightened. My family was nowhere to be seen in the room.

Rapidly getting up from the corner floor, I went outside the room. I was frantically looking around for my family as I felt tears starting to weal up in the corner of my eyes. I started to cry, falling to they ground.

They left me. They left me here all alone. They forgot about me, and not even my mom noticed my disappearance. I feel so broken....

Was I really ever a part of the family? Did they need me. Slapping myself on the cheeks, I wanted to rid the negative thoughts. I clean my tears, calming myself down. I wasn't going to just sit here and cry while letting things play out. I needed to take action.

Getting off of the floor, I went to go search for a doctor. Finding what seemed to be the front desk, I walked over to it.

"Um... excuse me ma'am, I was wondering if I could use your phone or desk phone to call my mother," I said, slightly avoiding her gaze from shyness. "Oh dear, did you lose your mother? Do you know if she's still here?"

Looking at the lady, I felt like I was about to cry. Wiping my upcoming tears, I didn't want to cry even though this was something usually any kid would cry about.

I shook my head no. "I dont know where she is. I was in a room with my family because my mother had just given birth. I ended up falling asleep in the corner of the room, and they suddenly were gone, " I stated softly, almost as if I'd talk any louder everything around me would come crumbling down.

I saw the doctor look at me sympathetically she asked if I knew my mother's number, responding with a simple nod. I told her my moms phone number and she called her. On the third ring, I could hear my mother answer the phone.

Not wanting to stand around and listen to my mother convers with the doctor, I turned. Making sure the doctor saw me as I walked to the waiting chairs to sit.

Once the doctor was done talking to my mom, she walked my way. Kneeling down to my height, she told me that they would be here in a few minutes. I slowly nodded to her as she stood and walked back to the front desk.

I curld up into my seat, feeling rejected by my family. I never would have thought that I'd actually be left behind. After waiting for my family for an hour and a half, they were finally here. Seeing my mom, I got up and walked to her, feeling too hurt to actually go anywhere near her.

But I didn't want to hurt her feelings and gave her a short hug, nodding my head silently when she asked if I was ok. She tried to take my hand, but I avoided it by walking ahead of her. We went into the car sitting there silently as she drove. I didn't want to speak anyone. I didn't even want to think about anything, knowing I'll just lead myself to a dark place.

Once we made it home mother offered me some food. But I politely declined I didn't have the appetite to eat anything. So I went to my room took a quick shower and laid in bed. Staring up into the ceiling I felt tears begin to slip from my eyes. Wiping them away I closed my eyes curling into a ball as I fell asleep.

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