1. The beginning of it all

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A life that not many have. You can be a child that is feed with a golden spoon in their mouth. Or you can be a child where you life is nothing but tragic. Hi, I'm Isabell, and this is a story about how my life. A life that started with nothing but tragedy to a life of magic. And when I mean magic, I mean it literally.


When I was born the first thing I remember hearing was chaos and cries of pain. I didn't like it. I felt the need to scream and cry but I couldn't I felt restrained. It felt like hours before I finally was able to let a small whimper slip through my lips. I screamed and cried finally being able to feel all of the squeezing pressure being released from aroung my body.

When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was a beautiful lady. I had stopped crying long ago being mesmerized by her beauty. She had big brown eyes and luscious lashes, a beautiful smile, and dark brown hair that reached her mid sholders. When the woman had identified herself as my mother I felt so satisfied, and happy she was a beautiful woman. Who wouldn'n want to have a beauty like her. Though no longer being able to stay awake my drowsiness took over and I fell asleep in her comfortablewarm arms.

After staying a few days in the hospital with my mother we were finally able to go home. She had gotten an Uber from the hospital to be dropped off. When we finally arrived the first thing we did was take a nap.

×Four years later×

I woke up hearing my mother talking to someone. The person was a man slightly taller than my mom. He had dark brown hair, a beard and dark green eyes. Not knowing who the man was I hid behind a wall staring into the living room were my mother and the man sat.

My mother had finally noticed me and told me to come to her. She had introduced me to the man, saying that he was her boyfriend amd may be my father. At a young age, I knew I had no biological father present, so when she told me he was going to be my father, I was happy.

After a few months of getting to know him something strange happened. Late in the night, I awoke in a strange place. I elwasnt in my bed or even close to where my house would be. Where i stood there was a feild of beautiful white flowers all over the place and a big tree up a small hill. Not knowing where I was, I was scared. But for some reason, I felt so safe ant the same time.
, suddenly feelt a pull. I followed were I felt it was telling me to go, the tree.

Walking up the small hill I saw a woman. She had luscious long white hair, bangs that covered her bright blue eyes that shined like diamonds, and she wore a flowy white dress. Finally noticing me she looked my way. She had beckoned me to come closer so I did. Kneeling down to my hight she looked deep into my dark brown eyes and smiled gleefully. She nodded approvingly unknown to my knowledge why.

Though when she finally spoke she said that I was the chosen one. Not knowing what she meant, I ask, "chosen one? What is that supposed to mean?" She laughed angelically at my response and said that I would be able to obtain powers. I smiled excitedly at her response and jumped up in the air happily. Calm down I notice things started to shift. Looking back at the goddess Like woman she frowned deeply. She looked back at me telling me in a rushed voice that I was to be careful and was sorry she couldn't explain more about the powers and teach me the ways of using it. She stated that her time was up everything suddenly turn bright.

The next morning I awoke excited as ever. I ran down stairs to tell my mother and step-dad about my dreams and how I gained powers but they didn't believe me. They thought it was my wild kid like imagination.

×1 1/2 year later×

I'm now six and currently, it's the day of my mother's and step fathers wedding. Honestly, the day was fun and I felt happy because my mother look oh so very happy. Though deep down somewhere in my gut I felt that something was going to go terribly wrong though I pushed it away thinking that I was me feeling a little antsy.

Not long after there wedding maybe a few months my mother was expecting another child. I was happy. I really wanted a little brother more than anything but if it turned out to be a girl, I'd still be happy.

×After the pregnancy×

After waiting so long to meet my brother he was here being held by the very arms my mother held me in. He was so cute and tiny.
Though what I was most excited about was when I'd tell him all about my powers.

I at first thought that me having powers was a lie but realized fore some unknown reason it only worked when I was sleeping. Nevertheless that were still powers I just needed to learn how to use them. Though no matter what, whenever i tell my parents about my powers, they would never believe me, always saying I had a wild imagination.

Though I think my step dad finally thought my wild imagination was getting out of control and demanded, I stop talking about it. I was only 7 at the time, and I felt utterly broken when he yelled at me telling me I sounded crazy. That was the day I decided to only talk about my powers when something really big happened.

Every once in a while I still talked about my powers but would immediately shut it when my nick, my step dad, would tell me to be quiet. Always saying that I was stating to talk crazy for a 6 year old girl. Which honestly he sounded crazy I mean I was still a child.

×4 years later×

When I was 10 my brother be ing 4 my mother was expecting another child, again. It was going to be a girl. I was happy to have another sibling. Though I think my excitement took the best of me when I started to bable on about my powers to the small child. I ended up getting in trouble and was told to sit in the corner away from the rest of my family.

Honestly I was devastated. I mean who would want to be separated from their family. I wanted to cry and scream at nick but decided to just sit in the corner, quietly sobbing myself to sleep. And that when it happen I awoke in my dream but this time I was not where I first saw the goddess when she gave me powers. I was in a whole nother world.

The first thing I noticed was the way I looked. I had long dark brown hair that reached to my knees, bangs that seemed to be cobering my eyes, a white fluffy dress and what seemed to be horns and a tail. My appearance was much different then what I look like when I'm awake.

Finally observing my surroundings and I noticed a figure. He was shaped very oddly,... a triangle of some sort? He was yellow and had a black top hat and cane in his tiny hands. I giggled. I thought that his small appearances made him look funny.

"Whos there and how did you get here?" I heard the figure ask. Suddenly feeling the need to mess with the strangely shaped man I started toying with him. Appearing randomly in sertain places while giggling.
Though I noticed the man didn't like the teasing that he was receiving so I finally answered his question.

Not wanting to give the triangle my real name I decided that my name would be moon when I'm not in my world. Appearing behind him I spoke. "My name is moon whats your name?" I asked. He swiftly turn towards my direction and stared at me for a while. Smiling I ask once again what his name was. Finally replying he said, "I am the great and all powerful Bill cypher of course."

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