"At least I didn't say it in front of them," Mom said, her voice barely above a whisper while she looked at them before she looked at me with a mischievous grin on her face, "because that is one, hot, dark, handsome man."

I instantly stopped looking at them and looked at her, mortified, and my face turned a dark red that seemed to take over my whole entire face. "Mom!" I exclaimed, and she busted out laughing and had to lean on me while we waited for them to walk over us. "Seriously?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed through her laughter.

I groaned and leaned against her, and she laughed again before I stood straighter and smiled at Bryson and his father. "Hey, Bryson," I greeted, my cheeks still beet red.

Bryson smiled and dipped his head while he and his father stopped in front of us. "How are you?" he asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Good," I said and rolled my eyes when my mother jabbed me in the ribs. "This is my mom, Annalisa." I gestured to her. "Mom, this is Bryson and then I believe his dad, Mr. Langham." I gestured to them.

The male's blue eyes grew lighter when I said that, and he cleared his throat. "It's... Xavier," he said, and my heart skipped a beat before it started to pound hard in my chest. He held out his hand, and I took his hand and shook it. "Please, call me Xavier."

Sparks flew between the two of us, a sensation that I had longed to feel again, and our bond together grew stronger while we held each other's hands and not pulling away from each other for the longest time.

My heart skipped another beat before it pounded hard in my chest while I stared at him, and I knew that he heard my heart pounding hard in my chest but didn't say anything about it. "It's nice to meet you, Xavier," I said, my voice barely above a whisper and quivering.

It's nice to see you in human form, Xav, I wanted to say, but I didn't and made sure that he couldn't tell that I knew who he was and how important he was to me.

My mother looked between us and cleared her throat, and we looked at her, our hands still in each other's grasp. "As my daughter said, I am Annalisa," she said. "It's nice to meet the father of my daughter's new friend." She held out her hand, and Xavier hesitated but let go of my hand and shook hers.

"It's nice to meet you," Xavier said nervously. He cleared his throat and squeezed her hand reassuringly. "How are you today?"

"Good," she replied and let go of his hand. She was nervous; I could tell, but she didn't want me to know that she was and why she was nervous too. "How about you?"

"I am well, thank you," Xavier said and looked at me, his feelings blocked from me again behind a mask that he wore. He cleared his throat and shifted on his feet. "And how about you, Cass?" he asked.

"Good," I replied. "I am tired of shopping, though, but I know that my mom can go for a few more hours," I added and shot her a playful look.

My mother laughed and relaxed slightly. "Hush," she scolded teasingly. "These clothes are to help you find a dark, handsome man and capture his eyes," she said while she gestured to Xavier for some reason, and my face turned a darker red.

"Mom," I groaned, and she laughed. I groaned again and covered my cheeks, feeling how warm that they were. "Stop embarrassing me. Please."

My mother laughed again. "Aw, but my dear, it is my job to embarrass you," she said. She tried to pinch my cheek, but I craned my neck away from her hand while I grimaced.

She huffed and pouted, but a small smile flickered onto her face. "Come, now, Cassidy," she said teasingly. "Let me pinch your cheeks. They are so red, and I want to feel them and feel the heat coming from them." She winked, and my cheeks turned redder while my whole face grew red.

The Reincarnated (Book 2A of Wolfcreek Series)Where stories live. Discover now