He teleports the pastas to their various rooms at the hotel. Everyone is in their human forms so they can all relax and enjoy themselves at everything. All of you scatter to different attractions, you, Sally, and Slender staying together. Sally leads the way and you two follow, Slender flexing his fingers at his side. He's itching to hold your hand. Would you hate him for it? He glances at you when your hand suddenly wraps around his. He can feel you trembling in his grip so he wraps his hand around yours, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. Sally and him enjoy a lot of the rides but despite the shawl the nausea is at full force and you worry you'll get sick on the rides.

Instead, you hang back and snap pictures, getting the other pastas captured in your photos when you run into them or they run into you. Still, you look like you're having fun. An idea comes to mind when he notices you stare at some of the available rides. He shrugs off his jacket and wraps it around your shoulders.

"What?" You ask, Slender chuckling at your look of confusion.

"Does it help the nausea?" Slender asks you. "If so I'll go on rides with you. There's a few Sally can't go on that I want to ride."

"Actually.....yeah. This helps," You admit to him with a smile and he's relieved.

You and Slender go on different rides together while Sally spends time with her uncles so you and Slender are on your own. You get sick on one or two rides that do too much spin but you're able to hold it back until you find a trash can. Still, you don't let it get to you as you enjoy your time with him and it drives him crazy. To think he went from wanting you dead to hopelessly in love. He wants so bad to tell you but nothing seems like the right time! You aren't clingy with any of his brothers or the others, so does that mean you like him? There's so much going through his head that he has to sort through before he's certain asking you out isn't going to just blow up in his face.

"Today was so much fun!" Sally grins as she jumps on the bed. "This place is awesome!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," You chuckle softly.

Slender notices that you seem a bit shaky but are avoiding the bed as Sally uses it like a trampoline.

"Alright, no more monkeys jumping on the bed." Slender chuckles, grabbing Sally in his arms. "You've had way too much sugar."

"Impossible!" Sally gasps in fake offense. "There's no such thing as too much sugar."

"Shall we go for a swim? Burn off some of that energy? I bet some of the others are in the pool already," He tells her.

"I'll go put on my swimsuit!" She declares, grabbing it from her suitcase before running into the bathroom to change.

"You alright?" Slender finally asks you, watching you nearly collapse as you hold onto the bed for support. "Come on. In bed you go."

"I can do it," You argue despite your lack of protest as he scoops you up and settles you on the bed.

"There," He hums, pulling the blankets over you and tucking you in. "It's okay to admit when you're tired."

"Just a little bit," You mumble softly.

"I'll take Sally downstairs. When I come back up we can watch a movie," He tells you gently. "Sound good?"

"It's okay. You go have fun. I'll be okay," You assure him, pulling his jacket that you still had on tighter around you.

You look absolutely adorable.

"I can't leave you here by yourself," He reminds you. "But I'll only be a few minutes, okay?"

"Okay," You tell him with a nod of your head.

He holds Sally in his arms as she chats excitedly about her day until he got her to the pool. Some of the others are already in the pool and the hot tub so Slender leaves her there and returns to his hotel room. When he looks at the bed you're sound asleep, a soft chuckle leaving him. He changes into pajamas and then crawls into bed, laying down to face you. He admires your features and how beautiful you are. You're an amazing person. You're sacrificing yourself to protect all of them from Zalgo and Slender hates that you're having to do it at all. Had he not treated you so poorly Zalgo would have never gotten a hold on you.

He sighs softly, gently stroking his fingers through your hair. He's going to make this right. He'll find a way to make everything right again. He smiles softly when you curl up and snuggle close to him. Your breathing is even and gentle, no nightmares seeming to be found for now. He shushes Sally when she comes into the room an hour later, helping her get ready for bed. She lays between you and him, a happy smile on her lips as she snuggles beneath the blankets. He can't help the quiet chuckle that leaves him. He looks up when he hears a knock on the door a few minutes after Sally has fallen asleep. He's quiet as he leaves the bed, heading to the door and opening it to find Lucifer there.

"Really?" Slender huffs quietly. "I don't remember inviting you."

"Ya didn't but I have something for Y/N," Lucifer whispers with a grin, offering up a small vile. "It should help the nausea."

"What is it?" Slender asks, accepting the vile with shimmering red liquid.

"Zalgo's blood," Lucifer shrugs.

"What?!" Slender barks out loud, grimacing and snapping his mouth shut as he looks back at you and Sally. Despite his loud yell neither of you have stirred. "What good is this gonna do?"

"Well, while we're figuring out the whole romance thing, if she's near him the symptoms are gone. So, by taking some of his blood it's like a part of him is with her. Should help since nothing else seems to work," Lucifer explains.

"Actually, my scent helps her," Slender mumbles. "Every time the nausea gets too bad I'll give her my jacket and it's like the symptoms almost vanish. They're there but it's mild."

"Interesting," Lucifer hums. "I wonder....."

"I doubt it. There's no way," Slender sighs, glancing back at you again. "I just don't see it."

"Well, it's worth exploring if she's willing. You just never know," Lucifer points out. "Just don't be an asshole about it."

"That seems to be everyone's response," Slender chuckles quietly. "What happens if she ingests the blood? Can he get closer to her?"

"No, she'll be fine," Lucifer assures him. "If she was taking large doses yes but keep it very minimal. Keep an eye on her symptoms around you too. She may not even need it."

"Thank you, Lucifer. For everything," Slender tells him.

"She's a good one," Lucifer tells him. "I'd want to try."

"I'll try," Slender tells him.

Lucifer nods, a red pentagram appearing at his feet before he vanishes. Slender quietly closes the door and looks back at you. He frowns when he sees the distraught look on your face and you beginning to squirm. He strides over to you and gently rests his hand on your back. He rubs it gently until you calm down again. Could you really like him? After everything, could you really come to love someone like him?

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