( Prologue) Only Through Pain Do I see the Cure

Start from the beginning

You made a turn but the truck hit your car as you screamed in pain as your car rolled off the hill and into some small forest that exist in New York.

You blackout but you were reliving some memories.

- 5 Years ago-

" You sure you want to brother? You can just stay at home?" MJ said while helping you out of her car.

" If I'm going to die I want to see the wonder of this world. Beside I can't let those two get ahead of me." You said jokingly as you heard your sister laugh and helped you walk as you used your cane to walk since it was extremely painful to do so without it.

As you walked upstairs with her you saw Harry and Peter your two best friends and brother in all but blood. The three of you wanted to heal the world. Although it was originally Harry Dream, Peter began dreaming of it as well.

You had always wanted to cure people of illness and hatred.

" Hey Y/N you feeling ok? Need some more medicine?" Harry asked. Very concerned about your wellbeing.

" I'm fine Harry. I can't wait to see the tour. Maybe a little painkiller." You laughed with him as he pulled out some pills he had from when he was sick and had a habit of carrying them around and gave you a pill as you put it in your mouth and swallowed it.

When the tour began with Harry father Norman. He began to show everyone many things that been happening. You were breathing heavily trying to cool yourself down. He noticed and pulled out a chair for you as you sat down.

" I'm sorry Y/N I didn't know I was going to fast for you. You sure you want to continue. I don't want you getting worst." He said concerned like a father would with his son.

Even though you weren't of blood he saw you, Peter and as his own. It was more than enough for him to be concerned.

( Author note. It's very surprising to see the Green goblin care so much honestly...it's a little frightening lol.)

" I'm Fine Mr.Osborn. It's just suddenly very hot." You said as you wiped your head of sweat. You saw him actually doing the same.

" Now you mentioned it. It is pretty hot in here. Hey can you turn the temperature down it burn up in here." Norman said to his watch as it was linked to his workers and began to felt the cooler temperature.

As the tour continued you all had fun testing some things. Getting involved with project. You even got back at Harry for that joke in highschool by dumping freezing cold slime on him that made everyone laugh.

Just as the tour was about to end. Norman showed the experiment that helped Harry be free from his illness. You were listening with your sister as you felt dizzy and began to walked to a chair.

" Y/N you ok? You look a little pale." Peter got up and began walking towards you as you waved your hands signaling your ok.

"...Yeah...just need to sit down...I'm very.........." You started to say before suddenly collapsing into the desk and unto some needles. One of them contained a black slime and when you fell down the floor pushed the injection into you along with other chemicals.

While the slime went in you it mixed with other chemicals. Before long it wasn't completely black but instead it was most white with some black.

When you came to you groan as you felt pain in your arms as you saw MJ and Harry very concerned for your and in front of you. With a sharp burning pain in your arms.

" Urghh.....my arms feels like's it on fire." You groaned out in pain as they helped you up.

" That's normal. I'm so sorry I told them to not leave those needle out. Come on my boy let's makes sure your on." Norman said in an apologetic tone before smiling at you and leading you and the other to a medical bay to see if any bad injection were inside you. He gave you something for the burning acid but then never knew about the thing inside you.

- Now -

As you very slowly came to. You heard your car constantly beeping as you open your eyes. You saw the driver making a call. Mostly 911. You felt pain in your chest and groan seeing a metal rod impaling your chest.

You began to breathe heavily. You wondered where your life went wrong. You thought it was the end.

"....im sorry....im sorry Felicia...you deserve better....im sorry Peter...I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to stop myself in time....Harry...I'm sorry for adding another pain to your life....Mary....forgive your older twin brother for being so stupid and selfish....im sorry.....this is my end." You said your final goodbye as you embraced your death. At least your pain will end.

" No. it is not your time. Y/N." You heard that mysterious voice again and you looked around seeing no one.

"....Who are you where are you?" You asked desperately wanting to know.

" We are inside you. We have always been watching. Learning. Y/N you are much stronger than you realize. You suffered for 10 years to this illness and never once did you ever took it out on anyone. Nor did you ever let it stop you. Until today...or so you think....Y/N do you want to be healed? To be cured? To help the world? To cure the world. To heal the world?" It asked you as you nod.

"...Yes...I do...I want to cure the world. I want to heal the world...but I'm weak...I don't have much time left...." As you said that. The being didn't believe that as you somehow felt better.

It was a strange feeling. You felt your cancer and illness that was eating you no longer eating you and you were healing.

For the first time in so many years. Without the pills. You weren't in pain.

" Not anymore. We have healed you. We finally learned to heal people. But to save you you must help us. Help us Y/N! Help us save you! Pull it out! Help us!" It begged you. It had bonded with you. It learned from your eyes and saw through your eyes. It wants to cure the world with you.

You then grab the metal bar as you breathed heavily and feeling numb for some reason. You saw white goo forming around your hand and wrapping around the metal rod.

" Together Y/N! We can do it together! Separate we can't do anything. But together we can! Help us! Help us my dear friend and host." It begged it you and encouraged you.

You then grinned your teeth together as you screamed in pain as you began to pull it outs the goo was extremely strong as the metal rod was coming out from the tree you were impaled on and out through you.

You kept screaming as you pulled it out. The pain was so much worst than you ever experienced.

" Don't give up Y/N! You're so close! Together! Help us so we can help and heal you!"

You then screamed and used all of your strength to pull out the metal rod from you and threw it at your car. Breathing heavily.

Looking down you saw your wounds healing. It was terrifying yet amazing.

" You did wonderful Y/N. Will you let me help you? Help you?"

You slowly nod as you heard Peter screaming your name as you saw him swing web to web trying to get to you as your vision fade.

" We will be the cure to the world. We will be the cure to everything. There will nothing we cannot cure. Separate we are just...nothing. Together we are Anti-Venom. The cure to everything. Rest. Tomorrow we will show you."

Your vision fade black as you passed out from the pain.

( Well that's it for this chapter.

What will happen next?

I hope you enjoy it and I will see you all in the next chapter.)

Healing the world yet suffering ( Male Reader x Rwby/Marvel Harem )Where stories live. Discover now