Chapter Twenty-One - Take You Out

Start from the beginning

Isla had to look away from him. "Okay, great. Free lingerie for me. It would probably be easier if you gave me a gift card to Victoria's Secret, or Aerie instead. Then you won't have to worry if you pick out something I don't like."

"I doubt that will be a problem," Arturo said, and he expertly redid his tie in front of her. Isla wasn't sure why she thought he would need someone's help in order to do that. He ran a billion dollar company. Why wouldn't he know how to tie his own tie?

"You should hurry and dress," Arturo said, finishing up and looking as though nothing had even happened. His clothes weren't even rumpled.

Why did that have to make him look even sexier than before? Isla's brain became clouded with heavy fog as she admired what stood before her, but then Arturo smiled and called her name.

Isla blinked, remembering that he was saying something to her, and it wasn't such a great thing if she couldn't pay attention to what he was saying because she was too caught up in how good he looked. That was too high school, even for her tastes.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"I said, you should hurry up and dress before the camera sees you."

Isla's spine stiffened. "Camera?"

Her eyes immediately sought out the offending object like a heat seeking missile. Only they were camera seeking, and wouldn't destroy when she spotted it.

When she did see the camera, the hot rage inside of her certainly felt powerful enough to shatter the object with just a glance. Unfortunately, it remained right where it was.

"You said you wouldn't record this! It was in your contract!"

"Relax. Do you see a red light blinking on it?"

She didn't, but that didn't mean it wasn't on. Arturo was a billionaire and he could make his gadgets do whatever he wanted them to do.

Despite her distrustful glare, he didn't appear the lest bit phased. "I turned the camera off when I came in here. See?"

He held out his wrist, the one that had the Rolex on it. He clicked the tiny dial on the side, which wasn't a dial for adjusting the minute and hour hands it seemed, but was a button.

The glass face changed, revealing that his watch was more like the baby of a Rolex and one of those Apple watches that looked so interesting lately.

Arturo flicked his finger on the screen for her to see, until he came across the room they were in. Unlike the other rooms, this one was greyed out, and the words Tap To Resume were in a transparent font on the screen.

"Oh, okay," Isla said, then thought of something else. "There's not a camera in my room, is there?"

"Of course there is, but it's not recording," Arturo said.

"But can you still see me with this app?"

"I'm not a pervert, Miss King, so the answer to that would be no. I'm not secretly watching you getting dressed and jerking off to the sight. Even if I was so inclined to do something like that, there's literally no point considering I can have you whenever I want you."

"That makes sense, I guess," Isla said. Arturo didn't call her by her first name. Was he only going to call her Miss King when he was annoyed with something? She liked it better when he used her name. It made all of this seem a little less weird and formal.

Isla was still kind of pissed off about this entire thing, though. She had reasons of her own to be annoyed. She glared up at the camera one last time just for good measure as she straightened her clothes as best she could.

She had to hold her blouse shut with her hands, and her stocking had a mysterious hole in it now. Where were those always coming from?

When she was fully covered, she definitely didn't look as clean and proper as Arturo looked right now. It was completely unfair, but then again, she supposed this was just because he had more experience with quick liaisons than she did.

"Finish your work if you need," Arturo said. "But I will expect you to be ready for tonight. Martina will be laying out your clothes for you. Look them over if you need to. She will help get you ready to meet me at seven-thirty. Sam will be driving us. I expect you won't be late."

Isla nodded. Arturo stared at her for several long, uncomfortable seconds. Uncomfortable in the best possible way, because she was starting to get that shivery sensation on her skin and between her thighs.

Then he turned away from her, walking out of the breakfast nook, and back to whatever work he'd been doing for the day.

Isla let out a heavy breath. She hadn't even realized he'd been holding it, and her heart pounded, as hard and fast as though her back was still on that table and her legs in the air.

She was never going to be able to look at that table the same ever again.

Where did he want to take her?


Almost at 300! :D I'm kind of stunned that the counter keeps going up so much every day. That's really cool, thank you for reading. It's my new fun obsession coming back to update and seeing the little counter and the progress it made :)

Anyway! The next chapter probably won't be up tomorrow because I've got a lot of chapters to get written for my publisher, and I'm falling behind again, but I'll try and keep the chapters coming relatively quick. This chapter didn't get much in the way of grammar check, so, oops :S.

On another note, this book now has a little more than 50,000 words to it, and it's looking to need at least double that before it finishes. I thought this would be a 50k or 60k word book, not 100k. That'll be interesting since it means this will be the longest book I've ever written. Gotta figure out a way to make sure it's all as sexy and interesting as I can make it :)

If you like this story so far, please leave a vote below with the little star button, or the heart button if you're reading on the new After Dark app. Those really help out my ego. Also, comments and suggestions are more than welcome :)



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