Chapter 17: Last Order

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Short Recap: In last chapter Sage, Jett, Sova and KJ were leaving for an emergency mission.


When Sage arrived at the hangar, Brim and the other members of her mission team welcomed her. In addition, the old guy was present to bid them farewell, providing words of wisdom and a final set of instructions. They all got into the jet and took off after a brief interval.

In the aircraft, they were all sitting with a stern expression; they were nervous. They've been on countless missions before, but it's always scary to go into a life-or-death situation.

"Ok everyone, gather around." Sage spoke up with a clap, getting everyone's attention and breaking the tension in the atmosphere. It was her duty as a healer and also the leader to ease their fears and ensure their focus. She gave them words of encouragement, reminding them of their training and the importance of working together as a team.

They all calmed down a bit while listening to Sage. "Now let's start and talk about our plan of action for this mission. KJ, you're going to be on the ship, reporting the live location of enemies to us and also being ready to take off in case of emergency. Sova, you'll be taking on the role of sniper; station yourself over here, " she said, pointing to high ground on the map. "Jett and I will be in hiding and follow Cypher and cover him while he meets his men, and after exchanging information with them, we three will go check on the package that has arrived there."

They went through some more strategies before arriving on the battlefield. "We're arriving in 30 seconds, guys; get ready", KJ said. Everyone prepped themselves, checked their devices, and checked their firearms again. The jet landed on the ground 300 meters before the actual dockyard. The gates opened, and with a single nod, the assailant team left.

The team reached their location; Sova had already left them and was reaching his position. He took surveillance of the arena and didn't see any enemies. He reported to Sage, who, with Cypher and other members, is currently going to meet the spy. Even Sage found the area eerily quiet and empty; she could feel something was wrong. She just wasn't sure about it and was looking everywhere to find clues that might clear her suspicion.

The last signal was, "SAGE!!!" Cypher yells, and Sage turns to face him to see their spy's dead body. It was now obvious that "ITS A TRAP EVERYONE!" RETREAT!!"







Kj was inside the ship, watching the live broadcasts from Cypher's camera on the screens.She was attempting to breach the enemy base's main server at the same time as her device clicked; it was the signal indicating that her turret was down, which she had placed close to the ship. Sage informed her that this was a trap at the same moment.

After picking up her vandal, she moves into a steady position and prepares for an ambush when another of her signals goes off. Just as she was about to attack, Sage says, "KJ, start the jet; this is a trap; we need to get out of here. First, go towards Sova and pick him up; it appears he is already surrounded; then come pick us up."

Sage didn't knew about KJ situation but still she was sure that the german will be able to handle it, and she was right, the signal was about that two enemy have been captured in the nanoswarm, Kj quickly took aim and killed them, her side have been dealt with, now she must hurry to Sova side.

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