Chapter 5: Friendship

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"我想被爱", the room erupted in laughter as soon as those words were said. Sage was puzzled, 'Does this person speak Chinese?' Why are they laughing, even if they do?' Sage noticed the opportunity and turned around to confront the intruder, who turned out to be none other than Viper.
"Viper!!!" Sage yelled fiercely, and all of the tension and anxiety fled, leaving just a feeling of wrath. "You frightened the heck out of me you idiot, what the hell were you trying to do?" she continued without allowing Viper a chance to respond.
"Hahaha I-I wa- hahahhahahahahahahahahahaaha," Viper couldn't stop herself from laughing, and when she finally did, she attempted to speak, but Sage cut her off. "Turn off the damn voice changer," Sage grumbled. Viper quickly removed her mask and smirked at Sage.
"Hehe, that was only a little joke, you know, you're not the only prankster in the house"
"Mine was nothing compared to yours, I honestly believed I was going to die," Sage retorted.
Viper smugly stated, "It's my rule to pay back at least ten times more." "But honestly, the seriousness and melancholy in your tone really got me laugh you truly felt a kingdom Assassin was threatening you...Man, I guess I should've gone to the acting profession instead,"
"Anyway, what did your final words imply? You see, I don't speak Chinese..." Viper enquired.
"It doesn't matter" Sage yelped, her cheeks flushed. 'There's no way I can tell her,' Sage thought.


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 (A.N. :- i couldn't find the perfect but it is a minute of these two)

'Heh, fine don't tell me... it's already saved on my gadget, so I'll simply translate it later,' Viper thought as she shrugged her shoulders.
Viper looked around and spotted that her file was on the table and a page about neurotic treatment was open on the screen,' She's still going on about it' she was going to make a remark before she noticed dark circles under Sage eye, "Don't tell me you've been up whole night..." to which Sage simply nodded." And people say me and Brim are workaholic". Viper sighed before continuing " Let's go,  I'll make you coffee as a return for yesterday meal."
"ok thanks" sage replied.
Sage was glancing at Viper as she brewed coffee for herself and Sage. Viper handed her the cup after a few minutes, and she sat down alongside her, both sipping their coffee in silence.
The quiet wasn't awkward at all...this was how they usually interacted, with both of them enjoying the stillness or occasionally engaging in a little conversation.
Sage had a more outgoing attitude and was hence the one who usually initiated the conversation. She may be described as a kindred spirit that always exudes a joyful, friendly vibe, is easy to talk to, and is constantly willing to assist people, but is also firm when necessary.
Viper, on the other hand, had a frigid demeanour and exuded a sinister aura. Only using the bare minimum of words while discussing job. Because they were terrified, new recruits often avoided approaching her. Sage, Omen, and Brim were the only ones who knew about her fun side, which she rarely displayed.
As a result, cadets will go chat to Sage the majority of the time, which Sage does not mind, but when she needs some alone time, she will go sit with Viper because she knows they are terrified of Viper. Viper was well aware of this and didn't mind.
The tale of how these two completely opposed people met and became friends is a saga for another day. (A.N. Don't anticipate anything spectacular; I simply didn't write it down since I'm lazy.)
'Why is this girl still thinking about my disease...she has failed so many times trying to diagnose it, why doesn't she give up?' Viper wondered. She was about to say something, but a familiar person walked into the room.
"Viper and Sage, just the people I was looking for" It was Brim, their commander it looked like he needed something from them." Follow me to the Conference Room we have got a urgent situation."

I know I'm late(in comparison tho) but I still post it under a week...and the reason why I'm late is  due to my excuses.
Yeah I know intruder turning out to be Viper was kinda BS idk but that's how I need it to be... Anyway that's all my blathering but still Thank you so much for reading this plz continue to read it


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