Chapter 2: Shooting star

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As Sage approached Viper's lab via the door, Viper was too preoccupied with her chemicals to see Sage. "HELLO," Sage said. Viper jumped in panic in response to the unexpected voice. The unexpected reaction tickled Sage, but the joke did not humor Viper. "What do you want?" Viper said, her tone irritated. "Now, don't get too worked up about it—I was joking. I came to visit you for your monthly medical assessment. "*sigh* I'm fineeee... you can go now," Viper hissed, rolling her eyes. "You know, that's not how it works......(-_ -).... I'm genuinely worried about you since you're always around these dangerous chemicals. " Viper consented to the check-up after being taken aback by her genuine concern.

(AN: I just couldn't find the perfect song...but this may work if your reading speed and lyrics gets time right)

"Thank you for your assistance. It's good to see you're doing well." Sage remarked with a grin on her face. Viper gave her a cold stare before returning to her task. "Where were you today, by the way? I didn't spot you in mess hall today. Others mentioned you didn't show up yesterday either. Don't tell me you spent the whole time in your lab." Viper hummed as she studied the paperwork in her hands. Sage pulled her face towards her by her chin. With wide eyes, Viper glanced up at her. "So you haven't eaten anything for the past two days?" Sage inquired, her face solemn. "Although I did drink 1-2 cups of coffee," she says. Viper confirmed this, still reeling from Sage's prior action. She noticed the healer's palm was still on her chin now that she had calmed down. If someone saw them, that person might think they're about to kiss.

"ARE YOU STUPID!!? All of this work can be done later; your first priority should be your wellbeing "Sage yelled."I'll eat tomorrow... There is no need to be so dramatic" Viper exclaimed. "Nope" Sage said, shaking her head before picking her up in bridal style.With a flustered expression on a face as red as the setting sun, Viper was bewildered, unable to comprehend what had just occurred. "What the-" she came to a halt as she noticed the sage's stern expression. Sage, who was already leaving the room, ignored her and proceeded down the hall to the dining room.Viper was still staring at her, one hand around Sage's neck for support and the other dangling in mid-air. Sage's hands were supporting her back and legs. 'Resisting will be fruitless,' she reasoned. Now that I remember how obstinate Sage can be when it comes to health, I may as well grab something to eat.......hmm forceful Sage, I don't hate it...! 'Wait, what was I thinking?'

As Viper was lost in her thought Sage put her down on a chair

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

As Viper was lost in her thought Sage put her down on a chair. "I'll get some sandwhiches and lemonade aren't those your favourite?"sage said. 'She knows?' Viper was shocked "Yeah sure". A few moments later Sage came in with baggage, handing some to Viper she said "Follow me i know a place with an amazing view", Viper shrugged before following her.

They entered the balcony. It was midnight. The sky was completely clear, almost giving the view to cross over to the skyworld. They stood there eating and looking at the beautiful sight of the night stars and moon. The sound of waves hitting the shore filled the environment while the gentle breeze from the sea caressed their faces. It felt like all the stress throughout the day was washing away right in this moment. It felt calm and peaceful. Sage, looking at the moon, said, "Whenever i have a busy day or a bad day i always come here to relax and forget about everything." Viper looked at the side profile of Sage, noticing the gentleness portrayed in her facial expressions with her fair skin and white clothes she seemed to shine under the moonlight. Her hair danced with the slight wind that blew in such a manner that complimented her countenance.When she looked deeply into her auburn eyes, she could see the reflection of the starry sky. It was as if the lights from the stars were shining from out of her eyes.

"Beautiful" only one word left out of Viper's lips as she was mesmerized by the sight before her. "What?" Sage asked, confused where that came from. Viper, coming back to her senses, said, "t-the scenery here is so beautiful." "Yeah" Sage responded, letting out a deep breath. Viper swiftly shifted her gaze so as to not let Sage see her frenzy face.

Remembering today events like how she said "I'm worried about you",the bridal carry and her beauty made viper kinda blush.To sage it looked like she is blushing looking at the scene.'What is wrong with me today what am i thinking, i think i'm really exhausted' Viper thought before responding, "Sage, you were correct, I guess I really need a break," and then chuckling a little. Sage simply responded with a heartfelt smile.

Viper looking at the stars and moon suddenly something caught her eye Falling stars a rare occurrence and pointed toward it making Sage look at the shaking hands of Viper and then towards the shooting star, she closed her eyes as to wish something,Viper asked "so what did ya wish for?" to which Sage replied "That's a secret hehe"with a slight smile on her face

So guys chapter 2 is out and things are already advancing it may feel sudden but  that's just because I wrote first chap without thinking and now am thinking about how things will's just my first time writing so you should totally give feedback...and thank you for reading 😊

Credit of bridal carry fanfic :- Andrea Rodríguez on Pinterest

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